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    I think my brain cells are actually women.

    Despite widespread fame and adoration over several cat years, GOT Cat's catnip addiction and dozens and dozens of kittens born from trashcan affairs eventually emerged into the public spectrum, just after HBO and GRR Martin announced that they would be — you know — killing off Arya Stark just for the LOLs.

    Not this cat.

    Gotcha. ARMA III in a hyperurban setting would be potentially quite cool.

    That also applies to gamers in general, I think.

    Yes. It's quite good, right up to and including the end.

    Who the hell invited the Humor Police?

    In theory, yes.

    ARMA III works better when used for a milsim, not an open-world crime drama. Trying to implement hand-to-hand combat into the game would be a logistical nightmare as far as practicality and game controls go.

    You too.

    Being able to choose your origin would be a nice change of pace.

    Hey! I know that guy! He's the one that jacked my car!

    Screw '80s Kung Fu vans and XP boosts.

    Your loss.

    Hey Mac. Long time no see.

    I heard a lot of Hong Kong residents can speak near-fluent English too.

    I did notice.

    Listen to more than just what we want it to be called, I mean.

    The view was nice.