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    Again, there's the second part of my argument.

    Stick it where the sun don't shine, dumbass.

    Your mother is even more loose in virtue!


    I believe that additional nationwide screening laws are necessary. I believe that the government needs to enforce laws that restrict extremist individuals' access to weapons, dangerous firearms specifically. I believe that the populace needs to be reminded that there are other ways to feel safe without buying a

    Feels wrong somehow.

    So what you're saying is that Batista's puppet regime wasn't a "despotic coup government"? Pff. Uninformed man is uninformed. The fact remains that the avatar is a private joke between a friend and I that has absolutely nothing to do with the individual Che or what he did or stood for.

    How are all the high-profile shootings of late working out for your argument?


    Pff. Nice argument there, hayseed.

    We'll just pull a Gamestop and say it has exclusive content.

    That's part of the problem right there.

    "Get a gun and don't be the victim."

    Look them up for a laugh.

    Alcohol is a potentially-lethal drug when used in access, just like cigarettes.

    There's the second part of my argument. Thank you.

    "... Its the second amendment, plain and simple, don't like it? GTFO. man up."

    Nice try, numbnutts. Your presumption that my avatar reflects me falls flat on its face.

    Deus Ex sounds exactly like that, and in the best of ways.

    Don't we all?