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    The use of the "straw that broke the camel's back" expression.

    That's true, though people will still buy their games regardless.

    $44.5 million is a lot of money for any game developer.

    The presumption that every Taliban fighter uses a human shield is just that.

    Don't you dare start with this espirit-de-corp bullshit. It was a damn typo.

    Illegal? Where? North Korea?

    You'd be surprised.

    Even though these so-called situations would be completely avoidable if the US hadn't tried playing "World Police" and gone screwing around trying to give western democracy to countries that don't want it.

    And you LIKE war?

    If it wasn't for some old, rich white guys they wouldn't have to be in this position.

    Nope. But you have to understand that this problem isn't black and white.

    So picketing the funerals of homosexuals, presumed homosexuals, soldiers, and that of a nine year-old girl doesn't quantify as the actions of religious fanatics?

    The FPS part was a dark joke.

    Strange. It seems like a minor sidenote to me.

    Interesting. Thanks for the clarification. It makes a little more sense now.

    Potentially. It's already happened dozens of times, though.

    Why wouldn't they shoot them? It's an FPS, after all.

    Picketing the funeral of a nine year-old girl goes a little beyond simple fanaticism, I think.

    "They are fanatics. To them religion is an all consuming thing."

    " ... I haven't really seen explained in any literature yet ... "