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I’ve made it to my mid 50s without trying pot. My bourbon and beer consumption has moved upmarket in quality, so I’ll stick with that.

1a. the dipstick is plastic and cracks along the shaft after a few hundred drive cycles.

My usual mechanic, that likes to work on Honda/Toyota/Ford/GM has stated that about my wife’s Mini (R53). “If you’re stuck, I’ll help you out. But I never want to see that car again.”. That was after a “front-end service mode” repair for the crank position sensor gasket that I didn’t have the time to do myself.

Trumpsters don’t let facts get in the way of their idealogy. And when they do, they just bend the data to make the facts fit.

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Perhaps if the GOP did the job they were elected to do, and not freelance their own priority.

Because catching underage drinkers one-by-one is much more effective than catching one store selling alcohol to minors.

I read the article and 1) the settlement is not an admission of any wrongdoing; 2) the amount was reduce to lessen the burden on the taxpayers; 3) the “agents” were in plain clothes with guns drawn - the student was calling 911 and heading to a police station because she feared for her and her passenger’s safety.

What I learned from my father was to always try to fix something that is broken, unless by doing so you will make it supremely worse by trying. In that case, proceed cautiously, write everything down, and lay the parts out in the relative position they were when installed.

Learned from experience to protect hands: never use an adjustable wrench because it will continue to adjust itself when it’s not supposed to; never push a wrench away from you when you can pull it towards you.

It was the voice in his earpiece that said “retreat! retreat! she’s got you!” and offered up some soundbite they felt would be the ah-ha moment with the audience.

Years ago when my kids were in middle school, they handed out instructions on how to drop off your kids. Come at the parking lot from the south so you do a right turn in. Kids leave only from passenger side to prevent any crossing in front of cars. Easy. OMFG! 60-70% did as instructed. The rest were an entitled

The absence of a crapper makes sense now. I can’t stand the smell of my kids’ (or my own) long underwear after one day of snow sports.

I suspect if the first 1/4 mile was the run-up to a cliff, then eventually, 60mph will come.

I don’t have a truck for the looks, nor to overpower a dozen snowflakes that may hit me for two weeks each winter. I drive a truck because I regularly have tools or supplies in it. Yes, it is also my vacation vehicle because you know why? None of my other vehicles can carry the family and luggage because they’re

By having a public space, he gets reductions on his property taxes. For an average building in NYC, you’ll see alleys that the building is cantilevered over and seating for lunch crowds is provided. Contrast this to Chicago where buildings are not allowed to butt up against each other.

Worse. I bought an F150, yet want it insulate me from the rest of the world in a womb-like silence. I’d take a Ridgeline in a heartbeat if it didn’t look like a minivan. And could carry a crap ton of crap. And sit higher. And take four kayaks on a roof rack. And...

I don’t know what it is about (grr) manly man trucks (grunt) that make you feel this way (muscle flex), but it’s a mindset thing. Maybe it’s something in the way the wheels seem really distant. Maybe it’s something about the way it sounds over bump

I read your first paragraph and am transported back to the 70s when Detroit said what the consumer wanted and Japan instead delivered it. With a lack of dealerships, and anti-import sentiment to overcome.

30+ years ago when I was dating my now wife, yeah, someone made a comment that made me want to punch they guy out. But my wife, to her credit, held her own. She asked the dirt bag his name (as if his crude comment was a great ice breaker) with a smile, started speaking to him and his group of friends, then lashed

Seriously, who wants a first lady who is a well educated lawyer, presents well, and seems to be genuinely partnering with her husband and the raising of their daughters, when we can a first lady who is a college drop-out, and chooses to stand by a pussy-grabbing, thrice-married gent who lusts after his own daughter.