That’s what I don’t get. Like...wouldn’t her editor read her material, scratch her head hard, flip over the draft and double check the words “memoir” and “non fiction”, open to where she left off in the material and loudly ask, “Huh. And...what the fuck now”.
Why is that? Genuinely asking.
But schools would really benefit to have someone like Obama and Biden speak on their campuses. It looks incredible to have someone like Obama come speak at your school vs. presidents from several decades ago. They are hitting the schools where it matters; PR and the money they’ll be losing out to other institutions if…
I think it’s a slight “dig” to Amber Rose’s mother’s response to the comment her husband made.
Good luck!
Who the fuck are the majority of the people/bands on this flyer??
This child is prettier than like 99.9999% of any human being I have ever met or laid eyes on.
The elderly are a heavily targeted group b/c of their vulnerability. It could have just been a crime of opportunity. One of the reasons why there are such high statistics for the rape of elderly women (though it’s rarely discussed, though that’s a whole other issue).
Ya. It’s a tried and true media exploit. They’ll say anything to get those feels to 11.
You are fucking awesome. Thank you. This was absolutely fascinating. Do you write a blog about your work or anything like that that can be followed?
I get what you’re saying. I totally do. I also think it’s an excellent photo that shows that perps are not always foul and scary looking, but that they can be beautiful, petite white girls in this world, too. Often times the story set up for perps are PoC, mentally ill, basically OTHERS, etc.
Omg I am sick to my stomach.
Dragon Age Origins is so much fun! I’m jealous you get to play it for the first time.
Just get out of the Hinterlands as soon as you can. It’s not that important!
M&M company won’t allow personalized dick butt candies. So annoying. Look at this guy! How cute.
Awww, sometimes stories like this bring up emotions or experiences that we all might be reminded of. It sounds like it’s struck home in different ways for a number of people.
If it makes any difference, I’ve had quite a few friends who are moms share this same sentiment. It doesn’t mean they don’t love their children, but it’s a very real feeling that you can have while still caring for your little ones. I hope you find someone you can share that kind of confidence with face to face…
No, not weird at all to do something similar! Lots of neighborhoods have little “lending libraries” that a house or two have set up! There are even free blueprints online to build your own little container/box. It’s so cute and fun and instantly makes the neighborhood feel closer! If you’re feeling inspired, I hope…