
You are such a unique fount of information.

Semi related? I think you’d make a fucking kick ass HR person after reading your posts!

He could have just gone to a cabin and used his penis to spread cream cheese and all would have been revealed to him.

So you aped a manipulative proto sociopath to get girls?

You spectacular bastard genius.

Interestingly someone below stated that it might be a threat tactic to cut off any possibility of further actions by the families that lost the case. So the families may not even have to deal with paying off that large sum.

You’re really exaggerating things in our convo. The reporter absolutely deserves to be defended and does not deserve to ever be spoken to like this. You are, however, throwing out vile insults at posters who suggest that they can empathize with a parent who had to bury their child. Burying a child is one of the worst

Doesn’t their insurance cover the cost of being sued?

Like why? Can’t they just cover those costs on their own??

Addiction can turn people into highly unlikable people. :(

Oh please. What is a 30 y-o woman supposed to look like?

My conversation and questions have less to do with her, more with other people’s responses to the scenario. I’m not asking anyone to “coddle” her, nor am I excusing her actions. Her behavior is disgusting and the reporter handled it graciously and intelligently.

Didn’t stop them.

Why is it so divisive to you? It’s not minimizing the degradation the woman experienced at the hands of a racist. If this is something you cannot understand, it doesn’t mean you should attack others who have that capacity. You sound as hateful as that racist woman, unrelenting in your attack towards people you can’t

Why does it come at the expense of anyone to understand both sides?

Those dresses are common and should only be worn by commoners.

Why is it so awful to empathize with both women?

LOL as if only the most moral, upstanding citizens of the world deserve empathy.

What the fuck? Why all the back and fucking forth? You two are literally saying the same things.

They don’t need to film the house or neighborhood where the family is grieving and shattered.