

Read the whole thing and...wow....this is just...please tell me you write professionally.

wtf like a pet?

Omfg your gif is killing me combined with your comments. I’ve tried to scroll away like twice but can’t and keep coming back for more.

wow. same. i learned something today.

I’ve read this several times and I still don’t get it. If these are the numbers, who the hell can afford to rent/buy all these insane apartments?

You sound seriously bad ass.

I’m sorry you had to find out this way. You are still the one and only, boo.


Why is that vein on her head so pronounced?

“It’s not like he has the time to go out a be set up by friends with women who have typical jobs...he meets the ladies that are in the same field and they’re always young. No?”

She’s 16 and blossoming into a temptress. Why did she leave the house period?

LOL those assholes. Because if she was 20 or 30 it would be ok to kiss her while she was sleeping and gave no consent?


They can get away with it because it’s “not a big deal” or b/c other people will ignore what is happening. And guys like this push and push the boundaries as much as they can when it comes to inappropriate touching. They’ll all over public transport. This is probably not the first time for this guy.

They don’t care. They see a female body, they see a very young female body, and they feel entitled to it. No logic, just issues.

I traveled alone a lot as a young thing and let me say, that the best advice is to let your girl know that she can speak up, even if she feels embarrassed. The shit that was tried on me while I was travelling, while I was both sleeping and awake, by male passengers was horrifying and I was not expecting any of it from

It technically is the start of middle age.

They are nearly naked in their skimpies and yet they still have more clothing on than the big breasted mage warrior in your average game.

Oh nevermind, it’s that Casper named actor guy from “Starship Troopers”.