
Is this our new Silent Hills?

Omfg more please.


“Donald Trump, an exploded goose down pillow bathed in menstrual blood”


Starring for all the things you said in your comment and your user name.

WTF, Lucy’s job sounds easy and fun as hell *and* she can afford a trip to Italy at the ripe old age of 24??? Give me some of that.

I just got over this gif from the first time it was posted on this thread.

Irl spit up all over myself. Thanks for that. I’m going to get fired for how loudly I just laughed.

Agreed, that last one is like walking badass cuteness personified.

I hope they can sweet talk him into coming back.

I kind of like that idea; that the human race is desperate for continuation that science is using both men and women as vessels for any kind of life.

Gorgeous as fuck.


Can I ask what 40 means to you? These convos with women turning 30, 40, etc are really interesting to me.

Just as long as your adjustment includes being pushy in your 30s. :)


It’s Walmart. They have shootings at one nearly every day. No snark intended.

One of the best psychological assessments ever.

you’ve left me in tears.