
For when a bride is proud of her cleavage, but embarrassed of her footwear.

This looks like a bridal straight jacket.

Why are crop tops a thing in bridal gowns?

This is how assholes get away with hitting their kids. If we're teaching children not to tell on bullies, how can we expect them to be honest about abuse at home?

This is a fucking recipe for domestic abuse.

Isn't it about time we had buildings in the shape of something other than penises?

The short story: I was fired for not being pretty enough to answer phones—my company told this to California's Unemployment office. I collected about $150 a week for 3 months for this reason. The woman at EDD who informed me that THAT's what my company told them didn't even act like this was illegal. And I looked into

I thought vampires did the graffiti. But maybe that's the point of the graffiti: it is needlessly ambiguous. Also: this recap was one of the best so far.