Jill Redhand

Goddamn, I cosplayed as a character from Blade of the Immortal literally ten years ago and haven't thought about that manga since. Wow, I'll have to check out this film.

These stories do actually exist; non-european inspired fantasy works by non-white creators have been underrepresented in the the past, and it's an ongoing effort to get them more exposure, but the last decade or so has seen some real leaps and bounds of progress. There's Saladin Ahmed's Throne of the Crescent Moon,

I watched the whole thing unfold, kind of weirdly fascinated by it. It ultimately ended up being quite a surprise; the obvious memes and meaningless fads like the corner colour wars and the obscene dickbutts etc. all hit the canvas early, to no one's surprise, but as the experiment continued that kind of childishness

My problem with the supposedly more feminist Disney Belle, though, is that it is a pretty half-assed job. Belle sings this whole song about how she's tired of her boring life and that she longs for adventure… but the only "adventure" she succeeds in finding is captivity and conventional romance, which she didn't even

Also, it's worth pointing out a contrast in the way Sansa's arc has been adapted, versus other characters' like, say, Tyrion's. They heavily altered Tyrion's plot from ADWD, not just in order to get him to Meereen faster (like Sansa's AFFC plot, Tyrion's endless boating journeys in ADWD have been criticised as

What? It's pretty much exactly the same arc that they've been doing with Margaery and Tommen in the show. "Older girl manipulates younger fiance as part of slow burner scheme to consolidate power for her family." Sansa and Margaery have always been foils for one another, you can't say there's no way to depict that

Yes, exactly. It's not that we'd all be totally uncritical if it were just a minor side character being raped in order to motivate Theon— there's been plenty of discussion and criticism about the show's depiction of sexual violence against minor characters like Ros and Daisy. It's that not only did they include a