
Strangely enough, the pandemic put my alcoholism on a fast track. I got sober and I’ve been in 12 step programs ever since. So many ppl suffer and there are answers out there. Addiction is miserable.

But then you’ll wonder why you have no dialog with them when they’re teenagers.

I understand what you are saying. I’m terrified of what that might look like for the good folks who come and try to help. Rampant racism with the law on their side. This is freaking bullshit, I hope they get some kind of relief because this is disgusting.

FWIW I received $5 from the Experian settlement.

His douche canoe jacket tells me everything I need to know about him.

This literally made me shout at my screen. What an insufferable prick.

Thank you! My first thought was wtf is that guy drunk??

As a former mormon from Utah, casseroles are the food of my people. I raised 3 starving (lol) sons and this was a frequent guest on the roster.

^ this

Oy same girl same.  I had my lasst fuck buddy 2019, he ended up being married. 2020 hello pandemic. I’ve been celibate since Oct. 2019 and sober for just over a year. This shit is hard. ^5 to us former shit shows.

I watched the first two episodes and was just grossed out. Tommy Lee is such a scumbag, has never been anything else. I initally thought I wouldn’t watch this and then got bored and thought what the hell, yup bad call. I mean Motley crue was gross, just think about the video for girls girls girls. I hated that era,

As we’re fond of saying in Wyoming “fuck you and the mangy horse you rode in on.”

This has been similar to my experience. I got sober at the end of ‘20 remained sober through ‘21 and I’m still sober. It’s crazy that we got sober through this shit and have stayed sober. I’ve never even been to an in person meeting. Keep rockin it!! xoxo

She can just fuck alllll the way off. “Gave her some contacts - everyone has a voice.” They may have a voice unless they are say, under a conservatorship and literally have no say about anything in their life. I hope Brittney never talks to any of them again, they’re scum.

Affleck has always seemed like a self absorbed douche canoe. He will always be a self absorbed douche canoe. My impression is that Jennifer G. is one of the sweetest women ever. I know, we all have our shit but damn, she deserves better than this dipshit. Long live Bennifer 1.0

Stabbin.wagon.  Also, if no one ever does coke off the banana mirro on the floor what are we even doing with our lives? I’d kill to drive that around, I love it.


They just hate women, period.

I live in a red state, in a trailer. I’m vaxxed and also a democratic socialist. Stranger in a strange land.

I just watched that episode last night. It was pretty cute, he is crushin on her hard.