

My family was in Germany during the war and their strategy of keeping their heads down and hoping it would pass didn’t work. By 1945 most of the homes and the family business had been bombed into the ground and most of the men had died or disappeared in Russia.

I sleep well at night knowing I won’t have to explain to my grandkids someday that I was one of the good Germans.

Vital, like food and water? Maybe not. But taking young black kids to see a movie that glorifies Africa instead of defaming it, and features an awesome noble black hero they can look up to, and represents them in media that they love? That’s not a bad thing.

Did you not read/hear the part where Ellen donated all of the money necessary for the kids to go to the screening so that all $42,000 that was raised on GoFundMe can be used by the Harlem Boys & Girls Club for their own programs?

I thought Ellen was the Queen of giving out money and prizes since Oprah stepped down