It really was.
It really was.
I teach middle school. You would be shocked at the size of some of our 6th graders. We have a 7th grader with a full beard and a baritone voice. He is still just as goofy as the rest of them. You would think he was in college, but he's 12. Hormones are crazy.
My 8th grade girls were OBSESSED with Johnny for the rest of the year after watching the moving. They had no idea who the Karate Kid was....
Agree! If I could get paid almost $1,000 for 3 lines..... Instead I make considerably less than that a week teaching a class of 27 students.....
I'm 30 and I voted. I'm thrilled Tom Wolf won the PA governor's race. One of my 8th grade students repeatedly badgered me to vote for Wolf (Kwan is also the student council president of the middle school). It made me so proud that he was so passionate about the adults in his life voting.
I'm going to start decorating before Thanksgiving..... Just snowflakes and things like that— no tree. My house never looks better than when it is decorated for Christmas. It's my favorite.
I've heard that.
meh. I don't love Nene.
Kathy Griffin would be an amazing replacement for Joan.
I took a class with Rosenkranz when I went to Ramapo. She tried to be the "cool teacher" who really "understood" the college kids and their partying ways. Yuck.
My husband and I quote Tropic Thunder all the time. Love the vague reference.
It was excellent. I wish my husband came with me bc he would have loved it too. It has enough action and suspense for my husband to enjoy it. It was funny bc in the theater you could tell by the gasping that about 1/2 the movie hadn't read the book. They were completely unprepared for the major plot twist.
In my school the teachers end up buying most of the supplies for the kids.
Well that turned a sweet moment bleak....
This seems like a case for the BAU.
My African-American husband was completely offended (and he is hard to offend) by the title of this show. We won't be watching. Can't there just be a sitcom featuring a successful African-American family without a name like Blackish that implies that it is not "black" to be successful and suburban?
See, I feel like you over scored. I go 1/10 because his comment caused me to actually laugh out loud because it was so ridiculous. It was such a poor attempt at trolling because no real person would say to send children home in "body bags" if they weren't saying it solely to incite others. Honestly, at this point I…
As someone who swims in Philadelphia public pools that would not be surprising AT ALL.
....I really like cool ranch doritos....
Eh. I still don't think of Chipotle and 5 Guys as fast food. But whatever. His cart is in a suburb in NY. He does festivals, street fairs, etc.