
Oh, Bunheads..... I loved you so much...... You left us too soon.

Wouldn't be the first time.

I disagree. While the content of the shirts is reprehensible, I think that they get to wear them. I know that if there was a day at my school that was made to support something that I actively disagree with, such as religion based days or open discrimination, I would be wearing a tshirt and holding a sign arguing it.

To be fair, Chili's allows any organization to do the 10% fundraising night. My school has done this multiple times. I don't think they care who/what the organization is.

She used to be in a relationship with the owner of E! I'm guessing the split is part of what makes E! suck so much for her.

I really like Drive Me Crazy. Like a lot.

You're so right. Understanding your students is exactly what we don't want in a teacher. We also don't want teachers to be relatable to their students. I guess everything that I have seen during my seven years teaching students has been a lie. Thank you for clearing that up. On Monday I'll make sure to drone on and on

I kept giggling as I read this and couldn't explain to my husband why this was so funny. But it really, really was. I think it was the juxtaposition of them pretending to beat a homeless triplet and the article I read about the homeless woman having her children taken away while she tried to get a job. I went from

The vegetarian bread question is actually not that idiotic. All kids of animal fat are hidden in things. Cannoli shells are not vegetarian, as they are usually fried in lard. Also, McDonald's french fries are not vegetarian because beef tallow is an ingredient.

Think of the children who feel marginalized and afraid of being themselves. Now they have a real life example of someone who is following their heart and being true to herself. This is an excellent teachable moment.

Wait.... they're selling boobs, right??

Higher education is a requirement now not a "luxury." This seems like another way to eliminate the middle class and widen the gap between lower and upper class.

Wallace first referred to her as a marshmallow when she baked him cookies as part of a pre-game spirit week. Can you tell I LOVE this series??

I wish that I could "recommend" this 1,ooo times!!!

I walked into a 6th grade room today and it smelled like an italian combo hero. Vinegar and onions!! yuck!

OF COURSE they didn't include the part where they did the EXACT same thing!

The commitment involved in that Jersey Boys clip was astounding. Let's go, Daily Show!

The girls talk to staff and they talk to each other. We have a lot of critical conversations. No one is hiding it. It is looked at as normal and matter-of-fact by the students so they do not feel embarrassed to speak openly about it.

I am an inner city middle school teacher and honestly the kids start having sex around 12. Now, obviously, not all of them are having sex, but at least 1/4 to a 1/2 of them are. That's 6th grade. They are also not just having regular sex that you would expect a young person experimenting to have, instead they are