
Nice call!

Aw, I miss HFS…discovered so much music on there.

I like the version by The Killers, too (yeah, I know…). Definitely more of an emotional edge to it.

Mariachi trumpet solo in Built to Spill's "Things Fall Apart," partly because it was just so unexpected
Strings at beginning and end of the National's "The Geese of Beverly Road"

It was my intro to BTS, so it holds a special place for me. And Carry the Zero and Else are just amazing…

I saw one show when he was touring for Cold Roses where he was a total asshole. Stopped playing because someone was talking. Insisted that the venue turn off the AC because it was too loud. Walked off stage in a huff a few times. Heckled the audience. Pretty sure that's when he was a pretty heavy drug user.

The Sun Also Sets
This House Is Not for Sale
Anybody Wanna Take Me Home?
Rescue Blues
Dear John

I didn't get the sense they used protection…though I assume Hannah is on the pill or something.

This was a poll in Gene Weingarten's chat in the Washington Post once. Apparently, guys tend to fold it, and girls (including me) tend to wad it. There was some sort of reasoning behind it, but I forget what it was.

You're still planning to finish review the series, right Mr. Teti? Love the reviews!

The National, "Karen"

I think Nip/Tuck should have stayed at least through Season 2, with its Ava Moore (Famke Janssen) storyline. And I think it was during that season that they found out about Matt's paternity, too, right? Yeah, it was the start of the Carver, but not the ridiculousness that storyline went to in Season 3.
Rescue Me