It doesn't matter how hard you polish a turd if the bucket that carries it is still made in Detroit.
It doesn't matter how hard you polish a turd if the bucket that carries it is still made in Detroit.
>>Yes! I love the Dart Giulietta. I honestly think Chrysler Fiat has done a really really good job recently.
-fixed that for you.
Doug, you're thinking too much like a journalist and/or DIY person. The real purpose
of a CHECK ENGINE light is to TERRIFY the owner into visiting a dealership where they might be sold on anything more expensive than clearing the ECU codes. The fact that it doesn't tell you anything specific is exactly by design!
As I mentioned, the counterfeit NEC.. factories, advertising, products, contracts, stationary, business cards, EVERYTHING. Hell, the DoD got tripped up by counterfeit memory chips and CPUs in some devices a few years ago, causing electronics failures in missiles..
This is what we get when the 1%ers have no fear of…
But *my* point is that there is no excuse for *NOT* knowing this by now, and properly covering your ass. EVERYONE doing business in China should know that their 'business partner' is a crook and will cheat them at the first opportunity. That's Chinese culture and reinforced by the CPC, that westerners should be…
Pretty simple actually. VERIFY anything with your IP on it has been accounted-for or DESTROYED before you hand anything over to the Chinese. If you hand them the keys to your factory and you leave tire molds with your brand on them, OF COURSE they're going to steal and copy them, that's what the Chinese do; they're…
That says a lot about that M5 owner, doesn't it? Expensive car but too stupid/cheap to put decent tires on it.
Actually, this is standard practice in China. Half the products sold there fell off the back of a truck *coughcough*. Or the truck itself is counterfeit. You've obviously never heard the story of NEC China before.
so ESPN doesn't believe in Laws, but Schilling for your sky daddy is perfectly ok?
he seems to be an Audi fanboy - his previous ride was an RS5.
Are they sure the tires aren't made out of melamine and cadmium?
Seriously, a shitty tire reseller disavows 'fake' tires made after they sell a factory and their tire molds go 'missing'? Cry me a river. If you can't keep proper QC on your products, you're liable. Those molds didn't go missing, you were too lazy to…
Because just like Kinki Sharyo, Hitachi, Siemens, Alstom, GM, Apple, Nortel, etc etc etc ad nauseum.. corporate greed knows no bounds and doesn't look any farther than the end of its nose (aka the next quarter).
Even when it's abundantly, BLATANTLY clear the Chinese will cheat, lie and steal to copy anything,…
No, it looks like the test prototype F-16XL with canards.
that J-31 looks pretty clearly like stolen F-22 plans got cut off halfway through the secret midnight fax transmission.. The front half of the plane looks just like an F-22, but the rear half looks like they had to make up the rest with an F-15.
Y'know.. in Argentina, Mexico, Serbia or South Africa the cops will go away when you stick a couple $20s in their hands. I guess it says a lot about American cops that they're even the best at corruption.
I have to say Doug, video was entertaining but 9/10 of these 'issues' are EXACTLY what any Jalop reader would have told you immediately. And the ones that are more abstract - ie: the service costs and depreciation are ones that any *real* Ferrari owner shouldn't give a shit about. And by real Ferrari owner I mean…
"very Christian.. except for the pre-marital sex part"
Do as I say, not as I do? Those are the *best* Christians.