
Company Trying To Sell Things. Film at 11.

The sounds. Oh god, the sounds.

While they were eating, Jesus took some pancakes, and after a blessing, He broke them and gave them to the disciples, and said, "Take this, slather it in butter and syrup, and eat; this is My body."

I saw that but they sound bigger than bite sized. Worth trying though I guess.

I will happily pay for all of that if you can make it a reality.

I'm sorry. :(

The narration in this is just plain awful.

I was laying in bed with my youngest the other evening thinking about how there's a finite number of times I'll be able to lay down with him as he falls asleep. One day I'll lay with him for the last time and I probably won't even realize it. :( I can't cradle him in my arms anymore. I can barely even list my oldest.

I think you're right. Generally speaking I think humans are too caught up with wanting to take selfies but I agree with you. I think it would have been better if I had said "— some of these people".

I agree that not all are the same. And I think I was being a little too flippant with my comment regarding even the selfies mentioned in this article.

"Me. Me me, me me, me me me me me me. Me, me me. Further more, me." — all these people

Came here to say exactly that!

I broke down and bought a loaf of white bread and kraft singles the other day and made some grilled cheese like my Mom used to make (with condensed tomato soup). I don't know what's in it and I don't care; it was delicious.

My life long dream is for someone to invent a bite-sized bread & cheese ball that has hot tomato

I'm assuming you meant "uncomfortable" feelings (maybe?) but I am giggling at the typo.

But yeah, you can be a perfectly great and kind teacher but if you make some people uncomfortable you could lose your job.

"Sorry, Laura, my thoughts are your problem."

"We're going to have a meeting, we're all going to talk about you, and then we're all going to vote to see if you should still have a job." UGH.

Life in prison.

Yeah it's kind of a paradox. Maybe implicit in the message is the concession that we have to play by certain rules if we want to avoid the assholes out there. Like, use this product to put yourself on a level playing field with people who don't have to deal with assholes making fun of them for these skin problems.

I saw a twitter profile description recently that said something like "Christian, husband, father, in that order." And it made me wonder what it means to be so into your religion that you'd be more devoted to it than your wife and child(ren).

On a related note:

A Christmas miracle brings a statue to life on MacGyver. Ugh, those later seasons are not good.