
How is this supporting white supremacists?

Yes, by not preordering this game I am a total piece of fucking garbage. Thanks for your well thought out contribution to the conversation!

I’m not standing up for any movement and that is made clear. Its interesting that you think that anyone who doesn’t think like you either dumb or an asshole. That lines up more with the white supremacy way of life then you seem to realize.

So you as a person think that because someone chooses not to preorder a game over petty differences is a piece of shit? Why exactly is that? What about that offends you so?

Thats a rather alternative view of what happened. Jafari tweeted out his support of White Supremacy.

Yeah you say that, but you would not have had any idea who that NPC clam you just spoke to for half a second was at the time. And if you know the guy enough to recognize his voice instantly... you’re probably more of a fan then you realize.

And....just pulled my Amazon PS4 pre-order.