
Jeff Sessions can spell. .

“A pack of rabid animals “. That’s what the Nazis said about the Jews to dehumanize them.

Sounds like a set up and a hit job to me. So sad.

I don’t think they meant the God of the Bible. You know, the God of the Jews (whom they hated) in the Old Testament. It’s obviously meant to be some sort of pagan god hence the skull.

I went to hear Nikki Giovanni speak at the University of South Florida many years ago. She basically said the same thing. I’m paraphrasing but she said that people think that all they have to do is “educate these crackers” (the words in quote are hers not mine) and their hearts will melt and they’ll come around and

Exactly. That statement makes it sound like they are going to unify the two Koreas.

I was angry and emotional and I used the wrong words.

The abuse priests and nuns perpetrated on women and children absolutely makes me sick. If the church prosecuted every single person in their organization who abused someone or covered it up the entire church would collapse from the top down.

You’re right. Life was very different then. Prostitutes worked in the saloons that only men could drink in. This was a time before there were treatments for syphilis and gonorrhea. If a woman was beaten by her husband she had no recourse. The police wouldn’t arrest him, there were no battered women’s shelters and

Can sometime please tell me why I’ve been lurking in the grays for years and every single troll who posts heinous and disgusting comments and photos is not in the grays or gets out of the grays without any problems but I’ll be in the grays for the rest of my life. Those photos were DISGUSTING.