
“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

I mean this with all respect and no snark intended: Stop calling it Megxit.

You, nor anyone else who has replied to your comment, have watched any of his content for a very, very long time. 

They’re fighting back against a shitty move. Publishers need to know which lines to cross and which not to. Would you have wanted EA to have had no push-back from turning Battlefront 2 into a Pay-to-Win game with lootboxes? The majority of gamers didn’t want their product to be that way so they pushed back.

I can’t say I completely agree with everything he said, but I feel like your reading way to much into that guys comment.

I do curfew checks where I work and the police come with us as both a security measurement and a community outreach. One of the mother’s of the kids we did these checks on said she didn’t want the police to come to the house because she didn’t want anyone to get shot. The city I work in (somewhat large and violent) has

I know this is a weird and unpopular concept for the people of this site, but most cops are just commoners who want to help their community. Definitely take a minute to breathe and compose yourself before responding.

So this won’t be popular but screw it. It was wrong for him to date girls under 18. He should have been punished for it, and it’s a shame he wasn’t. However, this just doesn’t have the same creepy vibe that Michael Jackson or Jimmy Saville had.

fucking chill out dude

Cold Hummus is what’s wrong with the world. 

which is a different thing that is not racism