
There were rumors/reports about the relationship a couple weeks ago. I read about it here, actually. So I don’t think it’s necessarily damage control, as if any of this ridiculousness needs “damage control” anyway. Does anyone really care about their feud? No, no they do not.

I know they were legally separated, but I read something a few months back that he’d moved back in to help with the kids or something. Maybe that was wrong, idk, I still find it hard to be sympathetic to her. I will never understand why she didn’t divorce him the first time around. Her job was too politically

They were still LIVING TOGETHER last I heard. I find it hard to muster sympathy for Huma.

It’s Jack the Ripper level serial killing, so even if they tone it down from the book it will be intense.

This and its sequel are two of my favorite books of all time. I’m so excited!

I would be extremely hesitant to count on a celebrity’s Twitter promise to pay for my tuition. It’s a lovely thought and hopefully it works out for all involved. I guess I’m just too cynical to expect such things to all fall in place.

This presumes that rich toddlers eat popsicles and ketchup. Please. They are probably eating nothing but locally sourced sushi and kale chips.

I’m literally watching Poirot right now and I had a momentary freak out that Netflix is now stalking me in the same way that Amazon does, heh. This new guy is ALL WRONG. Poirot is a fussy little man with a fussy little moustache. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS.

Considering it’s sugars that provide energy for every living thing on earth, that’s good. Heh. Moderation: it’s a thing.

Basically yes, it’s because it lacks the fiber. It isn’t filling.

There are far worse things than letting your kid have juice, especially watered down juice. Mine have grape juice with breakfast every morning. They are all healthy, active kids with a good relationship with food. You do what works best for you and baby Birdy.

Her little Michaels videos/ads of the crafting competitions come up on FB and I’m mesmerized. The only sponsored content I take the time to watch, lol. It’s great stuff.

As long as she is eating properly, no. Not until the last trimester at least. She could still exercise then, too, but at a reduced level. There is so much strain on the muscles at that point it’s easier to injure yourself. The baby is well protected.

They are goofy mfers but I can’t help but love their show. I also usually really like Jonathon’s design aesthetic. I suppose I’ve had too much HGTV in my life.

Yes, yes, all hail Queen B and all that jazz. She’s extremely talented but an actress she is not. I can think of many other people I’d rather see (or hear as it were) as Nala.

It is hard, because they are told this is fleeting and if they leave someone newer and hotter will fill the gap. Sure, it would be harder for you or I, but fame is fickle and success can be brief.

Didn’t she already though? I’ve not seen an article about her in months it seems (other than people complaining about her lack of speaking out against Trump, which again shows that she’s dropped off the scene a bit).

Anyone who drunkenly hits Justin Beiber in the face with a golf club is ok in my book.

My three kitties are the most loving cats. They were all bottle fed rescues and pretty much believe they are people. My girl, June, is especially my shadow. When I sit down she sits next to me and pats my arm with her paw so I look at her. When I do, she then rubs her head on my arm, looking up at me pleadingly for

I adore that movie. Watch it every Christmas Eve with the H.