
Didn’t she already though? I’ve not seen an article about her in months it seems (other than people complaining about her lack of speaking out against Trump, which again shows that she’s dropped off the scene a bit).

Anyone who drunkenly hits Justin Beiber in the face with a golf club is ok in my book.

My three kitties are the most loving cats. They were all bottle fed rescues and pretty much believe they are people. My girl, June, is especially my shadow. When I sit down she sits next to me and pats my arm with her paw so I look at her. When I do, she then rubs her head on my arm, looking up at me pleadingly for

I adore that movie. Watch it every Christmas Eve with the H.

I love them both. He was my favorite part of Parenthood and she seems so nice. Together they are delightful. Plus, they also enjoy Toto and therefore I cannot hate.

Depends on if it is any good. Creative people are often talented in more than one capacity. I mean, it could suck, sure, but maybe not.

Sculpting and listening to Bon Iver sounds lovely. I could definitely spend a day or five so ensconced.

It’s the skincare company that developed ProActiv.

Gigi is stunning. Bella was an interesting beauty before. She looks like a plastic surgery cookie cutter now.

I was expecting a weird remake/rip off of Supernatural. I’m not sure if I find what is actually happening more or less confusing.

It’s funny how we are quick to choose battles with kids but make everything a battle with our partner. 17 years of marriage here and oh those first 5 or so were rough. Learning what you can live with is a beautiful thing.

Have things you love to do together and things you love to do apart. Talk about everything. Fights will happen and are not the end of the world. Respect each other and respect the idiosyncrasies and quirks of each other. They aren’t necessarily things to be fixed. Find the domestic rhythms that work for YOUR

They would legitimately have been in danger at a certain point of their fame if they’d just causally strolled outside onto a NYC street. It’s not them being scared, it’s them being realistic. Have you SEEN the mobs 1D sightings caused about 3-4 years ago?

I hate the cold shoulder shirts. Hate them. I hate the sweater style ones even more. It’s all my regular go-to stores have had the last couple seasons and it’s making me batty.

I’d be shocked if he did. Harder to hit on random women with a wedding band on.

Hahahaha thank you. Idk why that strikes me as so funny but it does.

She’s a silly girl, but we love her.


Well, obviously it DOESN’T look okay, heh, but we are also discussing someone who genuinely believes he is genetically superior and a gift of nature. I don’t think he’d believe us that he looks like an orange pile of poo.

39 this year and my hands look 3x older than his. Callouses, age spots, freckles, a bit of dry skin from walking the dogs in cold weather... he must wear gloves like a Southern Belle. Too bad he never thought to also borrow their parasols.