I think he is delightfully sarcastic whereas she seems utterly devoid of personality.
I think he is delightfully sarcastic whereas she seems utterly devoid of personality.
He’s one of my favorites on SNL.
My husband’s is Thanksgiving 2008 and I continue to be proud of him every single day.
Makes me hopeful, too. I was in the Air Force, and 17 years ago in language school we had a Marine that refused to speak to the female teachers or listen to them, and regularly referred to me in particular as a slut (I was dating a classmate, my now husband). His leadership could not have cared less. This response is…
It is for sure a co-parenting relationship to be emulated.
I turn 39 this year and I would totally dig a Willy Wonka themed party. I should make that happen. I’ll go as Veruca BECAUSE I WANT A BEAN FEAST AND I WANT IT NOW.
He takes a hair growth drug. One that can cause dementia-like symptoms even, so that’s fun.
He is so fucking embarrassing.
All of his shit is made in China. I doubt he cares where his suits were made, and he wears his own ties.
That’s a shame. She and her sister are pretty liberal people, just like their mom. They are in a position to do good in this world, and are attempting to. That should be encouraged and celebrated- especially with today’s GOP as it is.
She’s actually a rich, privileged humanitarian that has pretty much been vocal about women’s rights and health issues since college. She and her sister have done a lot of work with the AIDS crisis in Africa, as well, going back to when W was in the White House. You shouldn’t hate someone because of who their father…
Agreed. His wife was pretty pro-choice, too, if memory serves me well.
DAMN, TARAJI. Just damn. :O
This is complete and utter bullshit. I do not for one second believe you didn’t know your gender at 8. My 8 year old knows he is a boy. He would look at you like you have two heads if you suggested he wasn’t old enough to understand what it means to be a boy. He’s known he was a boy since at least 2, as that is when…
Did you ever question what gender you are? Did you just always know you were male/female? I never questioned whether I was female. Ever. Why would you assume that he would? Similarly, I never questioned that I was heterosexual. I just knew. People always act like these are choices people have made, and how could a…
I wanted Ellison to win, but I don’t think Perez is a disaster of a choice, either. Yes, the DNC has some hard lessons to learn, but people seeking ideological purity have some they should be working on, too. HRC was NOT my first choice or favorite candidate, but dammit I voted for her because on most issues she was…
Peeps Store is still there!
There is no way a player of that stature puts that hat in his locker right where he knows it will be on camera for no reason at all. It wasn’t all but an endorsement. It was an endorsement. Brady might be a fancy dog, but he knows how media works.