
I don’t know, but you sure seemed to be anti-this dad.

Didn’t miss it, but it was not as pointed as the rest of your statement, which was decidedly anti-dad, the only parent doing their job here.

Nah, fuck her. She agreed to the surrogacy. She was all on board. Then she bailed and suddenly the kid isn’t her responsibility? NOPE. That kid is only here because Sherri helped bring it here. She damn well needs to step up.

Idk, that is the same angle but not the same photo. Blue skies, different people in foreground


Yeah. This was a man that when helping me with my homework as a grade schooler (and keep in mind- I was his favorite. Only person who could do no wrong other that himself) he would show me things 2 or 3 levels above whatever I was doing just so he could show me, a child, how smart he was. If we played Scrabble or

It is a photo from the Inauguration, though, it has all the ceremonial flags and things. Just the date is wrong. That somehow seems even funnier to me.

People know she’s not actually blonde, right? I see no reason to think that any of MJ’s kids were not biologically his. I’ve known more than one person of mixed race with blue eyes and “white” hair. She looks like her mom, the boys look more like him. Who cares?

Idk, I see MJ in her brothers and her natural hair color is dark. I’ve known mixed kids with blue eyes. But, by all reasonable and legal standards, yes, he was her dad.

IDK, Eastern Europeans tend to love some gaudy ass dresses.

No one? Really? More than one commenter here is pretty much “she made her bed, she can lie in it”. Please.

Yep, I said as much in my own comment, but my grandfather had NPD and my grandmother drank herself to death trying to escape the manipulation and abuse. She truly came to see herself as worthless over the course of their marriage, and she was a college graduate, talented actress and dancer, amateur national fencing

Gosh, because women treated poorly by their husbands NEVER, EVER publicly defend them or parrot their husband’s opinions. Nope, never.

Look, this woman married for money. She has admitted as such. In that way, I don’t feel sorry for her because she’s made those choices. However, I think it’s pretty clear if you look

This white woman does know some other white women who voted for Trump (but thank goodness the vast majority of my friends and acquaintances did not). No matter how many facts were presented, no matter how much I tried to point out how awful of a human he is, it wasn’t enough. I don’t think anything will change the

Well I don’t KNOW what Melania’s position is on anything other than “internet bullying is wrong”. I know she has terrible taste in men. I know she married her husband for money. I know she seems like she loves her kid. And I know she looks nice in periwinkle blue. Even bad people sometimes wear nice clothes.

Nah. She donated the proceeds. I wouldn’t take issue with it.

Yeah I do too. The shade of blue is lovely on her.

She looks like a majorette, ready to twirl her baton at the head of Trump’s tremendous military parades

Not necessarily. My husband was quite close to his grandfather, but didn’t attend the funeral. Why? Because his father would be there, and his father is an abusive piece of shit with whom we cut off contact 15 years ago. He didn’t need to be at a funeral to prove he loved someone who wouldn’t even know whether he was

I hate the Cowboys, but I can admit they’ve had a stellar season (though it pains me to do so). That was a great game made greater by their elimination. Go Pack Go!