
Oh my. That hand definitely is nowhere near where you’d expect it to be for a photo op.

While very few people are wealthy like Madonna is wealthy, he does just fine. I tend not to consider the money given in a divorce settlement as belonging to anyone but the person it was given to. Would you appreciate someone saying the money Amber Heard was donating was really just Johnny Depp’s? Probably not.

His dad is no slouch in that dept. Either way, Rocco will be just fine. He’s a normal teenager with a pretty embarrassing mother. I think it’s a bit too early to decide what his value is as a person of talent or not. Probably best to just let him be 16, no?

If it’s really that notable that a wife would want to stay by her husband’s side while he is ill, what must the state of most celebrity marriages be? If my husband was hospitalized, I would be with him, too. Though in a mental health facility I’m not sure how that works.

Oh she’d work fine, too. She’s just as bananas as Hannity.

Oh please let it be Hannity. Please, please, please. I want him to go full-on crazy pants with his appointments so all the people saying “give him a chance” will swallow their tongues and be ashamed of what they enabled.

I learned a new word today, sweet.

So true. Most of the “casual” racists I know look down upon (mainly minority) people not because of anything that actual relates to skin color, but because of class issues they wrongly attribute to skin color.

Too many late nights getting high and trolling the interwebz

Pretty sure it’s a list of things he believes are targeting poor black/minority communities and (apparently) reducing minority populations.

Oh she is DEFINITELY the smartest and savviest of his kids.

As tempting as it has been to fall into conspiracy theories, the truth remains that it’s almost impossible for actual votes to have been tampered with. That is what we would tell Trump voters had he lost, and it remains true in this situation. I think “rigging” occurs at registration levels, with gerrymandering, and

That might actually trigger another civil war, though. While some days that feels tempting, I’m not sure we are all quite up for that.

Her husband is, actually. Donald likes to have her around because she’s pretty (and probably thinks it proves he’s not sexist) but it’s Kushner that has his ear and trust.

Sometimes Buzzfeed can really make my day.

I was invited to so many different protest type groups on Facebook, and I’ve had to leave or hide almost every one except Pantsuit Nation, and that one I’m coming close to it. Dialogue is important. Being intersectional is important. Constantly haranguing everyone else in the group for all the reasons they aren’t the

As I pointed out elsewhere, it isn’t hypocritical because Trump is always terrible. It isn’t unfair or overly sensitive to point out that a man who has a long and storied history of being a misogynistic asshole has done a lot of things completely within character of misogynistic assholes, and continues to do and say

Well if it was Trump we have a vast body of evidence to show that he is genuinely a piece of shit. If it was a supporter, I suppose it would depend on their history as well. I’m not about taking people who are good and kind 95% of the time and shitting on them for making human mistakes. It’s the people who are

There are rather large and glaring differences between this man, what he said and did, and Donald Trump. I’d explain, but I doubt you care. I’m comfortable in feeling like this guy should not be getting shit for this tweet.

I’m going to assume since you don’t know how to spell her name and she has nothing to do with anything here that you are a troll. Hope the weather is nice under your bridge!