
I think they are very close as in neither have anything to do with Donald unless they absolutely have to. I think they mainly speak Slovenian between them, too, (IIRC), which would also keep DJT at a distance.

This is a financial and logistical nightmare. I’d also attempt to sell immediately if I owned a place in that building. What a fucking joke.

Oh god no.

As someone who worked there for almost all of my military career, most Americans have no clue what the NSA does. Wikileaks didn’t really help, it just muddied perceptions even more.

They are supposed to share. Reality....nsm.

FBI is federal police. CIA is international intelligence gathering agency. Not even remotely the same.

I’m going to go on record that I think that’s the best thing the CIA has ever done. That tweet is Trump Tower levels of GOLDEN.

Idk, because he followed it up with remarks on how people should STOP focusing on racism. So.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I pull a Dubya and leave it blank. Fuck that.

Sure. Keep telling yourself that.

Does anyone really believe that Ronan Farrow is Allen’s son?

Bingo. He’s getting the presidency he wanted in 2012.

Paul Ryan looks positively DELIGHTED in every photo I’ve seen of him in the last week.

Every time I start feeling like the world has stopped reeling quite so violently, another story like this comes along to send me spinning again. I have a feeling the next four years are going to give me ulcers. Bigly.

Do you really think he cares?

I’m far too exhausted by the actual horrible people and the horrible things they are doing in this country right now to get up in arms over a straight white dude trying to do the right thing. There’s nothing wrong with this statement or the intentions behind it. How about we stop looking for the enemy within our

The Rock is the only hugely muscular man I’ve ever really found attractive. And oh boy, do I find him attractive. Fully support this selection.

I think Green Day needs to update Wake Me Up When September Ends. All I can think of lately is wake me up when this election ends.

No, he can’t. The President does not issue security clearances. He can request them, but his children can’t work for him in an official capacity, which means there isn’t a need for them to be issued anything beyond the basic clearance given to First Families. DoD, DoJ, CIA, DHS, and DoE issue clearances, and they

There has to be demonstrable need to know for whichever clearance is sought, as well as the background checks, polygraphs, etc. Because he cannot actually hire his children into any official position, they will never have need to know. He cannot issue a clearance, that is the responsibility of individual government