Oh and all the “Karma, karma, karma kardashiaaaaan” song opportunities they mised!
Oh and all the “Karma, karma, karma kardashiaaaaan” song opportunities they mised!
Yes but sometimes, like the girl who used to go to school with my youngest, they misspell it, so then it’s ‘Haeven’ backwards, which is super fun.
Why does his hat look like it was photoshopped in later? What an odd photo.
That is so very sweet of you to say. Thank you, truly. It helps.
That is one of the exact reasons that officers are limited in how long they hold a command position.
Gerrymandering and abysmal voter turn out. That is why unpopular members of Congress don’t just get voted out.
You can have term limits for Congress that are longer than 4 years. I would fully support limiting Senators to 2 terms (12 years), and Representatives to 4 terms (8 years). You could even extend it to 18 years for Senate and 12 for House and it would be a positive change. Elections would still be staggered so you…
I spent all day in bed yesterday, crying and texting with friends who were feeling similarly. It’s proving very difficult to get past the grief, but hopefully I’ll get to where you are soon.
I haven’t subscribed to People in years, but I sure as fuck won’t even so much as flip through one at the checkout any more. This is disgusting. Shame on them.
It’s hard to say, because the voters who swung the primaries in her direction so hard (minorities) did not show up for Clinton in the numbers that they did for Obama. Maybe it would have made enough difference with third party votes, but we’ll never know.
11% of the overall electorate, 65% of whom voted for Clinton.
So here’s the thing: did the majority of white voters vote for Trump? Yep. That was NEVER a question, though. Especially white men. Pointing fingers and saying white people cursed us all is going to accomplish nothing. Why would you think alienating those same white people more is helpful?!
Yes, because it usually has alcohol in it and therefore dries your lips out even more, inducing you to use it more.
We had paper in Howard. It was the same for the primary. Filled in the paper ballot, then scanned it into a machine. I honestly can’t remember what we did in 2014 or 2012.
HoCo says hi!
You can wear all the candidate stuff in MD, you just have to leave the polling place as soon as you complete your ballot.
You should be able to get easier access due to your condition. At the very least I’m sure they can give you somewhere to sit.
Where I am in Maryland, we have no shortage of polling places and therefore I never have to wait in line. 2 first time voters did come in while I was voting, though, and were announced which was cute. I was teary eyed and held my breath when I put the ballot in the scanner. But, here’s what I shared on FB: