
Bush literally took 2 and a half YEARS of vacation over his 8 years in office. If Obama’s 3 and a half MONTHS of vacation time has cost 80 million dollars, then surely Dubya’s was in the trillions.

Glorious. The garden AND her speech.

She is so bloody smart, in every kind of intelligence I can think of. I am going to miss her (and the whole Obama fam) desperately.

To be fair, I think the animation was from a Taiwanese newscast known for oddball animation of news events. I think it is Taiwan, at least.

Oh I didn’t mean for the Mulan role, just on the list posted of awesome Asian actresses.  

No, they weren’t.

She did, and I’m sad that Ming Na Wen (the voice of Mulan in the original) wasn’t listed.

(she’s actually a blonde)

I think I legit choked on my water when he said that.

True, but Amanda herself wasn’t acting like that. This Brett person probably isn’t very bright and probably wasn’t quite grasping the magnitude of the situation. It truly came across to me as a “don’t be so sad, this will all be ok” kind of thing to me.

I can’t find anything worse and more mind-boggling than the prosecutor. When he was insistent that Knox had to have done it since she didn’t like being questioned for hours on end...um, what? He seemed to have NO CLUE how people think under stress, or how they react to shocking and/or tragic circumstances. Like, why

Tone deaf, yes, but it’s not like Knox and Kercher really knew each other at all. I think her friend was just trying to make her feel better.

It helps that she looks much more like her mother than any of the other kids.

Trump face. It’s a thing.

Oh lord they are sooooooo unattractive. They’d be average enough in a world where we don’t know anything about their personalities, but when you know what lies behind those puckery faces.....horf.

I don’t mind sad clowns, but happy ones sure look maniacal.

Omg. My 8 year old asked me last night which would be worse, a horde of clowns invading or a horde of zombies. (He is of course asking me this through the bathroom door, because it was “really important” even though I was peeing) I told him zombies, because they eat you, and he replied “True...but...clowns.” Hard to

OMG just shut up, Demi. Unless they are actual mannequins, their bodies are “real” and “normal”. I think the word you were looking for was average, but then again, why even comment? What was that about tearing women down again?

Yes, very.

Just being robbed is bad enough, but I would be hysterical and scarred for life if I went through something like that. Jesus.

Re: Reese- sometimes stars ARE just like us! Pretty sure that’s the normal reaction to seeing Dolly Parton.