Double ugh.
Double ugh.
They don’t look too bad during the pregnancy, just bigger. It’s the after that fucks with tattoos. Signed, woman with three kids and a dolphin tattoo that’s now a kind of squishy, lopsided whale.
She kinda looks like she has a Snapchat filter thingie on her head. Still better than Kim’s oily ass, though.
There has to be something mentally wrong with him. I can understand people being terrible enough to repeat the same terrible behavior, sure. But taking a “sexting” photo next to you sleeping child!?! Who does that? It's horrible and ridiculously inappropriate. I'd think long and hard about your custody arrangements,…
I miss Worth It, and whichever column had the DIY tutorials. I loved the nail art ones.
Yeah but anecdotally I know a bisexual, very open minded (though libertarian) chick, and 2 loving, bleeding heart liberals and no one else from Maine. Plus Stephen King. So...not everyone ;)
He is like a cartoon version of a racist. He is so over the top and ridiculous that I want to laugh. Too bad he’s an actual governor of an actual state.
The Mindy Project! It makes me so happy to see those because I severely need new episodes. The cliffhanger last season KILLED ME.
I feel your pain, lady in the gray leo. Underboob sweat is all too familiar for me, as well.
This was one of my favorite things to happen this Olympics. I want to cheer this woman, right after I get her a heating pad.
I no longer care to whom Stefani is professing her love. I simply want her to STEP AWAY from the Botox and lip fillers. Nicole Kidman is not a good look on you!
That’s not what I meant. I mean if they were a package deal then, and are a package deal now, a vote for Hillary is in some measure a vote for Bill.
I don’t attribute it to Hillary, but I do feel like many others do in that since she presents herself as an outspoken advocate for women and abuse victims, it puts her in a tricky situation. I don’t believe she was ignorant of what was going on. The allegations spanned many years, there were apparently several…
Wait, my one true Supernatural love, Misha, was a WH intern?! The things I learn daily never cease to amaze me.
Maybe I’m considerably older than the average poster, but I am very confused by the attitude of “well, I’m not voting for Bill” and also that “it was just this one instance and Hillary probably thought he’d just cheated.” NO! Come on, people! The Clintons have always packaged themselves as a duo. Always. He bragged…
The whole Lewinsky thing came to light because he was being sued for sexual harassment by Paula Jones. He’s also been accused of sexual assault by Kathleen Willey, who says it took place while he was President. These two names I know off the top of my head, as I did Broaddrick, because it was such big news at the…
Anyone who think Bill Clinton has not used and abused women, and that Hillary has at best turned a blind eye to it, is fooling themselves. I’ve come around to the fact that I will have to vote for her in November, but this is just one of the many reasons I wanted them no where near the White House again. Clinton might…