
I’ve noticed if the game hangs up at all (the pokeball spinning uselessly in the top corner) it doesn’t track anything. Sometimes I can’t tell the game has frozen up until I try to check the egg. Frustrating to be sure.

I think she’s an idiot, I roll my eyes at her time spent on F&F (I’ve never seen a clip of her standalone show), but I’m still angry on her behalf at the treatment and harassment she was subjected to. I admire her for coming forward and speaking out, and I hope she’s successful in her lawsuit.

MY FAVORITE COMMERCIAL EVARRRRRRRRR. Hot damn I love those old ladies.

Their narcissism knows no end. /vomit


Right, but Thor would be her BIL

IDK if I can handle Thor and Hannah Montana in the same family tree, y’all. TOO FUCKING WEIRD.

There definitely aren’t enough disgruntled Bernie supporters to sway the election to Trump, but I do worry about a third party vote. Gary Johnson is getting a lot of praise from unhappy Republicans and Democrats alike. If enough of them vote third party, it could make things dicey. I agree, however, that low voter

Never, ever read the comments on stuff like that. It’s full of crazy, angry weirdos and trolls. Probably half of the “Bernie or Bust” comments on FB and the like are from people who DGAF who gets elected or even care to vote. They just like pissing people off.

I’m a Sanders voter (in the primary) in a blue state where I know lots and lots of Sanders supporters...and I can think of only 2 who are voting third party, and none who (shudder) are voting Trump. Sure, it’s anecdotal, but I have to believe these people are outliers and fanatics. Am I disappointed that I won’t be

I’m a big Sanders fan that considered voting Green. After looking at Jill Stein more closely, however, I’m voting for Clinton. What makes me panic are the startling high number of people I know/see planning to vote for Gary Johnson. He’s attracting people from all sides of the spectrum who are unhappy with the

Things he did as governor. He was in favor of parental notification laws and banning most late-term abortions (excepting life/health of mother issues), and he was pro-abstinence education. His pro-choice voting record in the Senate is flawless, it seems, and I do believe that he supports RvW. It could understandably

That would make my year.

I have reservations about Kaine from when he was governor- he did some damage to reproductive rights- and I’m less than thrilled with his deregulation of banks position, but he’s a safe, practical choice. Goodness knows I would have loved Warren, but Kaine will draw people in from the center. Status quo, carrying on.

IDK, I dig it. I’m sure that Dunst will have had some mentoring from Sofia Coppola, and Fanning is a great actress. I think it could be pretty great, actually.

They were fantastic! I loved that show. Watched it over the weekend. I will have to rewatch soon, too.

Well that “old guy that everyone respects” thinks she is one of the best singers of her generation, a perfect jazz singer, and (I quote): “She came in so prepared and so knowledgeable about what to do. She’s as good as Ella Fitzgerald or anybody you want to come up with.”

I suppose you can think she’s going to “fail

Bennett had an album of duets, worked with Gaga during it, and loved her. She has a stunning voice. They developed a friendship and mutual respect that led to a whole album. Not sure why this is confusing? Artists collaborate all the time.

Well shit. I’m genuinely bummed about this one.

I find some things Code Pink says and does questionable, but mad props for this.