We’ve seen this coming since his PAC was spending all kinds of money on her campaign last year. It’s 2008 all over, but with less Tina Fey and war hero.
We’ve seen this coming since his PAC was spending all kinds of money on her campaign last year. It’s 2008 all over, but with less Tina Fey and war hero.
I miss Lindy SO MUCH. /sadface
There is still a factory process involved in making the recycled paper towels. I am only one person, sure, but if 200 people use a bathroom in a day and each use two paper towels, every day, that is a lot. Combine that in all bathrooms...sure, it does make a difference.
Well, I like trees and I like less trash, so I will continue to be a dryer person and celebrate that occasional contact with germs has given me a healthy immune system.
I refuse to believe that is Lil Kim. I mean...what? No.
Oh I love The Struts. They are great in concert. Have fun!!
I love his music, I love his style, I love so many things about Prince...but this movie was never one of them. I think this is nostalgia I can skip. Sure it’s a 30 year old movie, but abuse is abuse.
I can’t help but be amused by all the “Bey’s just singing about her life as true artists do” comments when I know many of those same people shit on Taylor Swift for singing about her relationships. Fandoms are funny. Kinda scary, but funny.
I have no idea what you mean.
When I was in college I was the “other woman”. He worked with me, told me he was divorced. He conveniently forgot to mention he was also remarried. I saw him for 6 weeks before I figured it all out and it was really hard because I liked him a lot, but obviously it wasn’t ok and I broke it off. Should I have been…
*I* have hashtagged goodhairdontcare on a good hair day. Just like I used shorthairdontcare when I chopped it off and pinkhairdontcare when I went pink a month ago. It boggles the mind that this is all the “evidence” needed to try to ruin a woman’s life.
Clearly the “hive” is alive and well on Jezebel.
Both parties bear responsibility, but the brunt of it lies with the person breaking a vow. I also don’t see how any of what you said is comparable in any way. Sleeping with a married man is not the same as hiding that your friend killed someone or shopping with stolen money. That’s ridiculous. Bottom line it isn’t…
You’re assuming a post on Instagram that likely has nothing to do with anything is a dig at Beyonce. That’s ridiculous. Carly Simon comes to mind.
Beyonce superfans frighten me. That’s a level of crazy no one should have to deal with.
I like RHCP’s music, but I’ve seen them in concert twice and both times sucked. Flea is the only one who ever seemed to want to be there. Not surprised they are shitty people.
My parent’s neighbor, who was a runner, suddenly died at around 50. Heart attack. A good friend of mine had a stroke at 36 (she survived and is fine- but she was lucky). Anything can happen and it’s cruel to suggest she was somehow at fault with knowing literally nothing about the circumstances.
Depends on the person I suppose. I’m not a big fan of phone calls or having my home “safe” space disturbed unless it’s my family. I would much prefer being texted or messaged on Facebook (I don’t use Twitter) for just about anything, but especially if I’m in the middle of a crisis.
So young. It’s just heartbreaking. My deepest sympathies for Patton and their daughter. Hopefully they have a great support system around them.
I think it must be his first MTV interview, not first ever. It doesn’t seem possible that he’d have been making popular music for 3-4 years and was never interviewed.