Enjoy some kitsune udon

Parents who refuse to vaccinate should have their kids taken away, end of story.

I was reading the WP article this morning, and I about choked at:

Martina Clements, 41, a Portland mom who didn’t vaccinate her two children until recently, said the anti-vaccine community uses fear to raise doubts about vaccine safety. But parents who support immunizations can be belittling.

Martina Clements, 41, a Portland mom who didn’t vaccinate her two children until recently, said the anti-vaccine community uses fear to raise doubts about vaccine safety. But parents who support immunizations can be belittling.

The nonsense is only spread by americans. Other people either don’t give a shit or are happy to see you are wearing things of their culture. If you wore a shalwar kameez to Pakistan no one is going to be mad; they’ll be quite happy actually.

It amazes me how racist/sexist/whateverelseist people are being in the name of inclusivity. It used to be a good thing, people sharing and enjoying other cultures. Now we barricade them off and essentially segregate cultures in the guise of inclusivity. It’s depressing how conservative Neo-liberals are.

Oh my fucking god. So getting Japanese characters tattoo’d on you is now cultural appropriation?

Get the fuck out of here.

Look, we’ve all laughed at those people who got a Chinese character tattoo that thought it meant “spirit” or something, but it instead meant “soup”. But thats about the extent of it. The person

I mean is it really our job to be outraged for the citizens of Japan when they seem to feel no outrage at this situation?

Uproar over cultural appropriation is BS 99% of the time. I think culture if too often conflated with ethnicity as well. It’s natural for culture to spread.

I have no objection to HRC being President. I voted for her. I would vote for her again if it came to that.

Ford Management: “We’ve wildly over estimated earnings and made some very questionable decisions this year resulting in a loss of profit, jobs, and market share. So the workforce will have to pay for our bonuses, greed, and stupidity with their jobs.”

Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest

Favorite is my favorite, I hope it will win everything.

More to the point, why would the CAST of a movie have to be consulted about a different movie?

Since the new film is supposed to take place in the same universe as the original movie, why would they need to consult anyone from Feig’s reboot?  It would be like the cast from the Andrew Garfield Spiderman movies getting pissed that no one contacted them in regards to the Tom Holland stuff.  They’re in two

That Ghostbusters reboot was baaaddddd.

That’s Pirate Captain Sulu to you.

Nice musical choice, looks quite stylish, and the world needs more of Natasha Lyonne, one way or another. After so much Orange is the New Black, it’s nice to see her in a more “normal” setting, looking and acting more like an average person in everyday circumstances (as much as this premise allows for that, anyway).

Yeah, I clicked on this article wondering if she had a history of antisemitism and NOPE—just disagrees with a country’s objectively shitty policies. This conflation of any and all critiques of the Israeli government with antisemitism needs to die.

What the nation state of Israel is doing to the indigenous Palestinians there is discriminatory and makes Israel an apartheid state. Not even all Israelis agree with the collective punishment of the Palestinians and certainly not all Jews.