Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?
Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?
Donald Trump’s efforts to weasel out of debating Hillary Clinton have hit a peak, as the GOP presidential nominee…
Some clowns might look at this big bear, much in need of a refreshing dip, and conclude that he is too big to be…
Hi. Are you new to Deadspin? Here on Deadspin we believe the NCAA is a sham and the idea of a “student” athlete is a sham. Regardless of race, gender or religion most “student athletes” (especially the elite ones) are not generally at school for school.
Not only was his response well articulated it was also deep with…
Expressing yourself by hiding yourself is so alternative
The hubris and planet-sized egos of lunatic sports owners is a core Deadspin beat, from Joe Lacob’s horniness for…
They added the %off in the description at about 4 am for me, before that it was a guessing game. The “watch this deal” on the main prime deals didn’t start working until about 1:30 or 2 am when I already had gone through pages of deals, so they are definitely rolling out changes as they go.
They added the %off in the description at about 4 am for me, before that it was a guessing game. The “watch this…
“If fucking Shep McCallister scoops me on this I’m done. DONE!”
I think they call it “Reganomics"
You undercut this point by condescendingly calling The Ringer “Bill Simmons’... new blog” in the title. Forgive him if he didn’t realize you meant to say “Bill Simmons’ new potential entertainment media behemoth.”
I’m sure Thiel will be calling back any minute now.
Those words echo Lovecraft, but your quotation is more akin to Thomas Hardy’s line about time completing something unfinished by reveling in its incompleteness than it is to the Greyjoy words, which are more like “our God is dead, you can’t kill him, we’re scary reavers, woo woo.” And I would actually argue the…
What if the entirety of ASOIAF is actually a recipe book detailing how the people will survive the winter on an unlimited supply of fried calimari? This has been foreshadowed in the books. GRRM spends pages and pages and pages detailing what characters are eating for no apparent reason. But what if there IS a reason?…
Reading this article makes me want to take my magic necklace off and age like vinegar in a warm bed somewhere.
unfortunately i am literally the exact opposite of that. I’m deeply insecure and test my relationships like a petulant teenager until I feel safe. Just generally a joy to be around you might say!
ESPN fired baseball analyst Curt Schilling tonight, two days after he shared an anti-trans meme on Facebook. “ESPN…
Some people are legitimately allergic to it. It should at least be listed as an ingredient.