
Np! Note that I wrote "apparently" because, as I can tell you from personal experience, just because kids in Japan are half-American, that doesn't necessarily mean they speak English fluently!

She's an American citizen. Her father is American. Her mother is Zainichi Korean. She grew up in Japan, so her Japanese is fluent, and apparently, her English is, too. Not sure if she knows any Korean, though!

I think you could make a very strong argument that this is in fact racist. The thing is, you can almost always make that argument. There's always a way to whip up an emotionally charged explanation about how something is somehow offensive. So the problem arises when people do just in situations like this that are,

As much as a I hate fedoras, I still have a man crush on JT. #notgay #onelove #gayisok #fedoras #equalrights #ifhetriedtokissmewouldiresist #theoffice #andy #bradpitt #pittcum #danieltosh #davidbeckham #spicegirls

There's no time! Stop expressing your inner thoughts before I take legal action!
Sue first ask questions later.