
True, but if you get there first, you would leave everyone else in the dust.... mind you..., you could freeze your assets.

Zilor - “Trying to rent there would surely put me in the Red.”

Trying to rent there would surely put me in the Red.

Yeah I tried looking for a two bedroom two bath condo on Mars. Prices are sky high.

Best part of the entire film. Annnnnd then Dane Dehaan appeared on screen as a “action hero.” (cue slide whistle)

Sorry Bryan but I have a feeling you’re just misunderstanding. I don’t think he’s saying Jobs literally spent $10M on a literal textbook, I believe he’s saying he wanted all the textbooks in one so he spent $10M developing the iPad.

Archaeologists were originally misled into thinking the remains were male due to the lack of boob-plate armor and a metal thong.

The impression I get is that Kennedy really liked working with Johnson, and felt that he had a grasp on the franchise and a sense of professionalism that the other filmmakers — Trank, Edwards, Lord/Miller, Trevorrow — did not. My guess is that if Ep. VIII doesn’t disappoint (i.e., makes less than $2 billion), Johnson

when the cop decepticon started chasing bumblebee and Sam

Seriously. It is two levels of click bait. First, the BTS is implying that the alien scene was shot at Stonehenge while it is pretty obvious that Bay only got one or two shots of Hopkins onsite in order to stroke his ego. Then, io9 takes the bait and creates their own click bait article.

Seriously, they never would have let him do any pyrotechnics on site. Were there even any explosions in this scene? I never saw it and don’t plan on it.

This is some fucking click bait bullshit advertising for a BTS video.

1. TV shows with no black writers have no business writing a #BlackLivesMatter episode.

You, sir (madam?), are a hero.


None of you fools recognize a good ol’ fashion Covfefe when you seen one?

The Borgesian view, nice.

I mean, it’s shitty all around. It’s shitty for assholes at tabloids to speculate or outright lie about someone’s gender identity. But it’s also shitty to try to claim that being called transgender is insulting. So, I dunno. Don’t root for anyone. Drink some whiskey and gird your loins for tomorrow, whatever fresh