
It’s just your bogstandard power play.

This headline is so misleading and it’s so, so shameful of you to frame the situation like this. The GIF caused him a seizure. He’s epileptic. Yes, that is assault when you do something with the intent of hurting someone else, whether it’s just a GIF. That troll put him in danger knowingly. Epileptic seizures are

It was truly a great movie. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. My question now though is, is this actually a continuity movie or something tangential that was meant to serve as a grand finale for the actors? It’s kind of depressing to think that the world of Logan is the one that ultimately all the coming X

Per the AP. The digital signage was stolen no the wires which look intact.

So. Uh. Having never watched the show - namely because I’ve been warned how utterly batshit the entire thing is - is this actually a detractor, or do these antics actually make it fun? Should I even bother watching or no?

2001? Nah.. I’m thinking they have a Lego fan

also depends on what you consider shitposting...in this example, it would appear to include “factual information.”

Came here to say this. A system like this is incredibly wasteful (not that the people who can actually afford a system like this really care). Instead of this smart system, just install an insta-hot wherever you want hot water quickly. Will you be able to ensure that your shower is set to exactly 100 degrees? No.

I’ve yet to hear of BLM:

Now playing

I thought you were suggesting it bc Falcon was black and blah blah.

I’m not against a hero passing the torch, per se, but Captain America is not a torch to be passed lightly. You’ve got to make the case that the country desperately needs another hero named Captain America, as opposed to a hero with any other name. Actually, Steve Rogers himself has to make that case, and pretty much

I agree, it deff lessons the character a bit for me. The characters that take over the mantles never really fully have a fair chance at becoming their own heroes to the rest of the world. Miles Morales (who I love dearly) is not known to most as ‘Spiderman’ to most people, hes ‘the black spiderman’. Had he had a

The DIFFERENT flavour of Dick. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

“So why is Canada, where Pfizer distributes the injectors, still seeing such a single EpiPen sold for $100?

This is the Anakin Skywalker we were all hoping to see in the prequels but never got.

Reading it in James Earl Jones’ voice (as one must) is so. damn. good.

I was once riding the subway when an abusive passenger started threatening me. Suddenly from out of nowhere, the lights went out on the train, and a low, ominous "Gongggg..." rang through the PA loudspeakers. The lights in the train turned an eerie blue, as the other passengers waited with bated breath for someone to