
OMG overalls?? w/ nothing underneath!?!?!? Hella sexy!!!

Ok maybe all the practical stuff is good too... :P

Are you saying authoritatively here that chemically/physically, Dove is NOT a surfactant or cleanser??

Brilliant. What country are you in??

GUYS who wants to start an ISP with me??

Selling 100% neutral, un-throttled, fully-private service.

If they want to throw it to the marketplace, let’s compete.

Well that’s what I mean- just fix those glitches. Other than a too-long neck & f’d up animation, her basic design was one of the best versions of WW ever made:

The only issue here that enabled such developer ridicule is that you write the article as though these techniques are SPECIAL TO HORIZON ZD.

This could’ve just been an article about “How all 3D games have always been made,” and there’d be nothing to ridicule at all.

But as-written, just sounds super-ignorant, by

But... why that, is what I’m saying. Why not just keep their old assets & improve the glitches.

Whoa. Yeah way better. But if not for the distortion/proportion glitches, she was *perfect in INJUSTICE 1. Her orig. face/hair/physique was great although glitchy. So why did they change her entirely for this game, instead of just fix the broken parts? Not like this was Obamacare... :)

Dude her face/physique looked great in Injustice 1, tho in gameplay it got all glitchy. But now she’s just overall disgustingly ape-faced.

Costumes were def improved tho, true.

HAHAHA nailed it! Can’t believe they made her look so bad she was *perfect in Injustice 1! WTF were they thinking??

This too.

Still pissed about this article, almost half is an outright lie.

Box cartons are made with all kindsa waxes, chemical adhesives & foils, and are wayyyyyy harder to recycle than glass.

Plus they’re almost ALL made new from non-recycled materials.

Where the fuck is your shitty info. from and why didn’t you do better

dafuq? it’s NETGEAR.

dafuq? it’s NETGEAR.

Oh. I see the bit about 2019 rules. TG.

Couldn’t they just make a rule that says “officials have x time to review plays & make a call?” “all plays get equal review only” & sure as shit “NO REVIEWS BASED ON VIEWER INPUT???”

Shit like this would destroy literally every other sport.

lol EXACTLY my thinking. Who the fuck pays attention to what a viewer says and since when do they make the call???

If the refs missed it, it’s over.

This is an article?

3. She didn’t say it turned her against feminism. She said it turns PEOPLE (i.e. “others whose support is needed”) against feminism.

3. And the point is exactly that there is no such thing as “these situations” b/c they are not. fucking. related.

An actual attack is different from a threat. Even if they both come thru

The point being that this is NOT an example of crimes we don’t have classifications for. This is a clear-cut physical assault, in the very traditional sense of the law.