
They should have... NOT had any issues between being caught by Negan and going to all-out war?

Just bc of this article, I am literally going out to buy some real Maple Syrup. BC YUMMM!!!!

HAH. Sit back and watch the fail...

NO, they ended on a prelude to war.

Nah, there’s some backstory to Negan that keeps him in power, militaristically. He had some philosophical charisma that got him the loyalty of a lotta guns.

Then he put them against each other with that “communal punishment system” so now everyone’s afraid to cross bc of the loyalty of the other followers.

That gave him

Pretty obvious Dwight did not betray them. Look for him to do some serious spying in S8.

I mostly liked it. But overall some big weak points. I think the last episode should’ve been a two hour movie or something:

-How could Rick not have smelled betrayal? Obvious from the first time we met the Scavengers. They were always only about themselves. So of course they’d play both sides to make the best deal.


This is an article?

More succinctly- that additional energy could easily come from light.

I was agreeing w/ you on that; hence my “though,” referencing an external source of power (light).

My point is that a closed-loop system of photosynthesis & glycolysis would yield an extremely close approximation with minimal loss of energy & replenishment needs. If well-insulated, parasitic loss could be made almost

I can see that. It is cool for a news org to subscribe to journals and broadcast/filter/parse/layman-ize.

I just question what’s credible/not.

No. After the over-Sorkin’d dialogue in Newsroom, he can stay the fk away from my beloved MCU.

Okay, now just connect those all to QED and we’re all set! Simple right!?

Meanwhile, it’s lucky/bullshit that GIZMOdo “covers” any of this at all, being as it’s ALREADY COVERED in Nature (and y’know, it ain’t exactly a gizmo).

Coverage here is about one step away from just posting a link to the abstract and saying “Hey internet, look what I read there!”

Is literally anyone a journalist who

Pure bullshit. Spidey & everything related belong in the MCU, along with all the other Marvel characters owned by any other bungling studios. *ahem- Fox...

So, basically, a liquid muscle?

Didn’t anyone go see “Life”??? It’ll eat us all!!!

It shouldn’t be too hard to re-oxidize or find a way to close-loop recycle the phosphates, though it would need some sort of carbohydrate-like fuel from... say... PHOTOSYNTHESIS... ;)

Some combo of liquid muscles & xylem/phloem.

Did we learn nothing from Little Shop of Horrors??

3. She didn’t say it turned her against feminism. She said it turns PEOPLE (i.e. “others whose support is needed”) against feminism.

3. And the point is exactly that there is no such thing as “these situations” b/c they are not. fucking. related.

An actual attack is different from a threat. Even if they both come thru

The point being that this is NOT an example of crimes we don’t have classifications for. This is a clear-cut physical assault, in the very traditional sense of the law.

Almost. A threat generally can’t be considered an assault, or actionable for enforcement. BUT (and these are big butts... :D )

-Public or prominent-enough people do get protection details when credibly threatened. Why shouldn’t everyone?

-And you make a great point that the psychological stress of being