
Did Disney pay to be mentioned? Then it’s an ad. All else is bullshit.

Personally though, I have no problem if Google reminds me of cool things happening in town, as long as it rarely does so w/out being asked, lets me tell it to stop mid-sentence or turn them off entirely for good, and:

-Rotates thru local events first

“Interesting argument” !? It’s not even the same fucking conversation!!!.

If anyone attacked those women, they’d be arrested.

Someone attacked this guy. They were arrested.

HORRIBLY DISHONEST CONFLATION to promote your (valid) agenda. Be better.

Vwolf nailed it. A THREAT is very different than AN ACTUAL FUCKING ASSAULT. Which this was. Terrible talk.

So far, so stupid. Hopefully they’ll at least show us how many thumbs-up/down a movie gets, as a percentage, so we can know what the rest of the world thinks to gauge how good it might be. Fkn christ...

The last Darth Vader comic series was some of the best Star Wars that’s ever been made.

Agreed with gasolgoodman; but the solution is probably Cable.

They have to continue with the First-Class team, but they also have to make sure all those current X-Men struggles & triumphs don’t seem meaningless under the inevitability of Logan.

So it should need to lead to a soft reboot of a future w/ a new Wolverine.

Agreed with gasolgoodman; I think they should continue with the First-Class team, and have that lead to a soft reboot of a future w/ a new Wolverine, so it’s not like all the current X-Men & Deadpool struggles & triumphs will be for nothing.

At least get them as far along as we saw them in DOFP.

They could probably do

Well said. Best movie since Dark Knight.
Maybe even more oscar-worthy. Both Stewart & Jackman were incredible.

I never bought the idea that they were able to travel intergalatically and fight such scale of wars. BUT WERE BASICALLY AMISH.

Kinda cool! >;)P)

OMG! Brilliant!

Carrying objects or weaker allies, esp. if in other directions, sure- but that’s not riding them as steeds.

Bluntly- too often the source story was contrived to support gameplay gimmicks.

cor-annap-tiksick. Not hard! :)

The old visaul style was better imo; more detailed, prettier.
This looks pretty stripped-down compared to:

jhz- “Even for beings who without them can move faster, hit harder and achieve air superiority?”

Ran - “Yes.”

= a regular, non-magical warhorse would be useful to say, Superman.

It’s like a gallop for 6 legs. But insects never needed that bc their tripedal motion is already FAST AF, due to their physiology.

So perhaps a better way to get these robots to move faster would be... idk.... BUILD THEM OUT OF BETTER STUFF??

Mostly horror movies?? Where’s your breadth?

So you still think a regular, non-magical warhorse would be useful to say, Superman.

All obsolete for those who can fly & carry megatons with their pinky etc.

Only excuse is bad writing makes great footage.