
That’s bc the fundamental basis on which most of our cities and townships were built, was deeply flawed and I hate to say it but rather stupidly negligent.

So many were built around a single lynchpin industry or resource.

Very few were built with a plan for the fact that the industry/resource on which they were built so

Such as?

WAIT— you mean the world is fulla shit and utterly greedy, incompetent, careless, wasteful and dishonest at every level of human endeavor????

Mind. Blown.

Let not the perfect be the enemy of the good?

Even for beings who without them can move faster, hit harder and achieve air superiority?

I did this in college. A one-time mistake.

He was fine! Gravitas???? Who the fk do you want, Ken Branaugh??

I liked the IF trailer! It looked plenty badass!

Why not push to invest in re-training and industrially agile communities?

As a general foundation of ALLL that we do in our country?

Because under-educated people will always be dependant on someone “giving them a job” and thus more exploitable as voters, workers & consumers.

Which is *exactly what DeVos et al are trying


One of the most reasonable and informed statements on the internet today.

Why not promote retraining instead of “brining back” ?

B/C that doesn’t get their votes.

Just found out I was overbilled for 3mos straight. Threatened to cancel. All refunded.

Magic Words: “Cancel My Service.” They hop right to and fix everything.

Though to be fair, an abstinence sentence is weird, borderline cruel and unusual, as is having to pass a polygraph to prove it.

Better to just give him the jail time.

What is amazing to me is that ANYONE is EVER fooled by ANY of this.

“We as a society are too stupid not to fail.”
-No One, Ever.

WWOW! To get that l.o.d. from THAT chunky an input??? AMAZING!

It is simple. Not enough of us are politically active, focused on national issues, and engaged to vote as one united base.

(Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with).

We are a bunch of yoga moms, soccer dads, and take-shit-for-granted kids who grew up playing video

Is all disagreement or criticism of one’s leadership considered a “shitpost” ? Especially when it’s simply showing a fact?

That is a GREAT goddamn spacesuit!

Production designers often nail it, despite how they usually don’t have to.

Christ. This show just gets worse and worse. The idea that Bruce and Joker clashed as tweens, and that Joker was doing his full-on crazy thing before Bruce ever became Batman...

Again, fucking false. Darkness is not the absence of light. Also, there is never absolute absence of light.

Just as there is no absolute such thing as light in the first place.

Darkness and light are states of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum, which goes all the way from raw spacetime to radio waves through

Also, black holes are not a body of darkness. They are a body of trapped light. W/in the event horizon it’s *highly energetic and probably incredibly bright. It’s just that it’s impossible to look there directly, b/c so little of that light escapes, and it’s all at such an infinitesimal point. X-ray ejecta and such