
Christ. Darkness does move. Gravity waves, and spacetime expansion. The Hubble Constant. Ya know, the thing that we use to measure current speed of the Big Bang?

What the fuck is with all this conventional stupid shit??? How are these physicists still referring to “dark-speed” as the speed of removing light??

“Darkness” aka spacetime itself, sure as shit is a thing, and sure as shit has physical properties, and sure as shit has a speed, if we say there is such a thing as

1.) This is the internet.
2.) So it’s not clear what anyone’s aware of or not.
3.) Tho I noted your sarcasm and said it was funny in my first words.
4.) And often sarcasm is a passive-agressive jab containing real sentiments.
5.) Which def echoed real sentiments that other people have out there.
6.) So many will likely

IT LOOKS AWESOME!?!???? — It looks like shit. As you admit, none of the “party” features will be used, and what’s more, why TF would anyone use this as their portable console over their phones/tablets...


Even if regional water is plentiful, wasting it utterly crushes every ecosystem. Think about it— how much fossil fuel do we have to burn to replenish usable water supply, how long does it take used water to fully recirculate through the environment, and what other regions will now have to go without because it was so

Was gonna say exactly this. There’s gotta be a way to do this that isn’t so wasteful.

Funny snark, but tell that to the shas, sheiks, raw materials, tech and oil barons of the world. It might pleasantly surprise you to know that almost 1/4 of the world’s 50 richest people are not white. That proportion goes up dramatically w/in the top 500, and even better beyond that, until you hit the middle class.

Open to your idea there about a more appropriate native term, but what would it be? There simply is no other english word for this land mass other than “The Americas,” and all of the original Tribal Nations who were here each had their own language and utterly different terms for it. So what would you call the

You can bet he’ll be coming hard after states’ rights on Marijuana Legalization too.

Note to Woods:

How a company moderates its users is it’s own business.

Build your own platform or don’t.

WHOA— I’m white, and BLM is NOT racist. As with any movement, there might be some racist people sprinkled in, but BLM is absolutely (and *only) about the fact that all lives matter.

It’s just that only black americans are the ones who’ve historically been left out of that concept, and need to remind society of that

You are. I’m not, but you all are.

You are a biological automaton. A robot.

I KNOW that you are all robots...

To be fair, you do overlook the fact that most of these characters could have been doing infinite other things at once...

Hell, Tom Bombadil was probably also keeping the sun from falling outta the sky, we don’t know...

A Soylent system would def be better, but nutrition is still likely far too complex across different people for any synthetic system to ever cover the bases well enough or better than just “food.” Even in the super-techno-future.

It’s a decent infrequent meal substitute like many others out there, but to have once

Hi. Smart person. He didn’t “UNBREAK” it himself.

He just had dislocated vertebrae or something. It’s impossible to “UNBREAK” a back. (Or anything...?)

That said, I’ve done a lot of walking with a badly broken back, so Batman’s self-rescue isn’t all that implausible given that it’s Batman.

Heh, no, we’d need many varieties of Soylent based on a multitude of sources across all manner of diets so that it’s still possible to get the complex mix of nutrient cocktails that enable the body to absorb and use the same molecules differently in different instances.

For instance there are umpteen forms of Vitamin

Haha yeah but not as soon or often and not the way I’m talkin about... I mean like even at the altar.

My bad. Withdrawn then- actually a pretty cool continuity easter egg idea.

I thought you were suggesting it bc Falcon was black and blah blah.