
He couldn’t have thrown on a silver bald-head cap??

Like hell. We’re paying for CEO yachts. They could just happily live on $500k a year instead, and we all pay $75 per pen.


God bless you man. Perfectly said.

Um. That was actually pretty racist. Not cool bruh.

Yep and Darth Vader (now also Disney) takes over as Rocket Racoon, while Xavier becomes the new Magneto.

The whole concept is utterly absurd and undermines the whole point of making, reading or discussing comics/movies/media.

Diff’t characters “filling in temporarily” is actually okay in my book, bc at least then we’re

THANK you!!! :) :) :) See my reply to Cool_Breeze

GODDAMITT... why does everyone keep calling it a “mantle.” Wearing the same costume and doing the same job doesn’t make anyone Captain America anymore than slapping a new sticker on a Buick makes it a Lambo.

Cap is a person. Captn America = Steve Rogers = Captn America. End of story. Someone else is someone fucking

Soylent is just a bunch of multi-vitamins & oils thrown into a blender. Downing that shit on an empty stomach would make anyone sick.

I emailed Soylent a year ago about how they accounted for the gut’s need for diversity, bulk & natural complexes to aid digestion & bioavailability, and their answers were astoundingly

Are you kidding?? Simple:

1. Spell that levitates things

2. Spell that smushes or otherwise exerts a force on things telekinatically

3. Spell that heats things.

4. Mastery and simulatneous subtle control of all the above.

All of this well-accepted Potter canon. WTF people. Standard wizard-fare.

Well, it *is paint (you can see the texture), but it’s a great makeup job of making it look like oil with specular highlights.

LOLOL This is the most brilliant comment in the history of the internet.

HULU??? Is shit!!! Owned by Comcast with heavily ad-based revenue. Totally the same shit you can find in many other places or with a basic cable subscription but they ask you to pay on top of that.

Amazon Prime is not bad but their shows aren’t *quite as good, and their video tech, streming protocols & UI are wayyyyyy

So is there ANY FUCKING REASON AT ALL TO PUT THAT ON THE LIST??????? (as Yttrium suggested.)


TWD didn’t shit the bed AT ALL in season 6. That ending was incredible!!! Torturous! Brilliant. Painful. And S7 started even moreso. It was amazing. Heartbreaking. Ughhh.

Stop with the crybaby shit about cliffhangers and learn to be patient to allow great storytelling.

Democrat here too. Don’t care about *this particular issue* at all.

Easy mistake any baby boomer could’ve made. Email tech is a pain in the ass & who the fuck wants to deal with “which-account-is-on-which-server” when you’re trying to handle 100 crises/day. She just needed tech & UI obstacles out of her way and I sure

Rupert Theodore Bonkers!!! Brilliant!!! lol :)

Ignoring the quibbling irrelevance of your semantics, I do know that, but thanks for making sure we’re an informed readership.

I was using it colloquially, as meaning “the entire big medical industry in general,” for which I could think of no better short-hand term.

Especially given that many testing companies and

Hah, good one. I’m just a dude who’s pissed at idiocy in media & its consumers. Especially the amazingly dumbass tendency to react to very poorly understood surface info, be unable to spot bullshit from a mile away, or act upon headlines & soundbites without reading the actual facts & grasping them.

I’m a diabetic and

