
Seriously. I barely read comics but this series was some of the best Star Wars media of all-time.

That Vader Down quote “...fear & dead men” is one of the most perfect things he’s ever said.

That’s b/c her products ACTUALLY DID WORK.

It was hammered by the FDA almost completely illegitimately, for minor glitches and procedural errors that could easily have been fixed instead of shutting the whole thing down.

It’s Big Pharma interests coming after her. Wake up.


Look into the details of the case instead of being morons.

(The controversy is almost completely overblown by FDA-in-bed-w-Big-Pharma-competitors. Her worst glitch was with the glucose A1C test which being a diabetic myself, I

Helluva day! Heather would be Heather O’Reilly??

Aw. Heh, thanks, no that wasn’t true, was just writing a fish tale :P :)

Does “grabbing a virtual dinner” actually provide some character benefit?

Also: “Something nostalgic in the [crude low-poly simulation of trees and flowing water]...”

Is the manifestation of harm done to your brain by being raised on a steady diet of products, services, and virtual (sub)living.

You’ve been deprived of

I’m not sure where you get “2 full nights of content” in addition to the film. Maybe one full night including the audio commentary...

Best point of the thread. Well said.

Or maybe, the 23rd century called, and the hydroponic organic compost probiotic self-monitoring rooftop kitchen garden with self-supporting solar/rainbarrel irrigation on a self-sustaining solar/geothermal capacitor-powered 3D-printed balloon-frame fully-automated A.I.-supported smart home needs to be milked and it’s

Yup. Pelvic thrust to stand, sit butt back to bend.

While trying not to hinge the sitbone.

Lucasfilm = Disney, & ABC = Disney.

So Disney is in talks w/ itself?

I hope they do saturate the market. I’d love to see SW of all types, from the little kiddy to very adult and serious.

Are you... fucking... kidding me???? The Clone Wars was incredible, Rebels is decent-getting-incredible, EpVII was awesome, 8 will be even better, and Rogue One looks hardcore!!!

Also, Old Republic and the KOTORs are bone-chilling & amazing in their own right.

As far as I’m concerned, this should be treated like a real

“...we may be alone in the universe right now. But that’s only because we showed up long before life really started to get going...” =
Horribly under-thought. The universe has almost certainly co-evolved other life in other galaxies. Mathematically very likely. But even coming from our nearest galaxy, their signals

You can just look at the character & lighting design to tell that it’s cartoony, scattered garbage.

Oh, how far we have come:

Whaaat... that scene has been played out time and time again. Used plenty in Arkham 1, & no one needs to play “Batman Begins” (which was a game on orig. Xbox) to get a story we all know like the back of our hand.

Why exactly are these problems, again?

Also, women AND men in most movies are eye-candy...

No, Superman absolutely can go light-speed & be a relativistic being:

This thread is shocking. You guys should all be grounded.