
I’m sorry but I just find this pathetic. I played Fallout 3 on the PC and I had the random CTD. It got to the point where I was quicksaving every 50 yards, and I still have the impulse to do that. And when playing Fallout 3, New Vegas, or Skyrim, that impulse serves me well even 7 years later. To hear that nothing

There’s just no way. The last thing he said to Rick over the radio mirrors the first thing he said to Rick, also over a radio... Glen has gone the way of Merle. The next time we see him, he’ll be dead.

He has already served out his sentence. That doesn’t mean he’s not a convicted rapist anymore though, because he is still a person who was convicted of rape.


Yeah, another person brought that up as well and you’re absolutely right. It’s not really enough to be able to contribute without revealing yourself, because an environment that requires that of a female is shit to begin with. I think I was being naive by even suggesting it. Especially playing a game like Destiny with

Understandable. Voice changing software, even if it were perfect (it isn’t) does nothing to filter the generally shitty tone of conversation that permeates a lot of servers. I’m a guy and I prefer to stay off of voice chat unless I’m playing with friends also. Thanks for your answer.

Would a voice-changing mic make a difference for you? Like if it weren’t apparent that you were a female just from your voice, would you feel more comfortable using a mic and playing those games?

If you’d used it in such a way as to support the point you seemed to be trying to make, that would have been another thing, but you can’t just go “Hurr durr social contract” and expect it to make your argument for you. As for my “type”, I’m a realist who accepts that eventually SOME law is bound to be made regarding

The point, which you are obviously missing, is that many people DO follow the laws, and those are the people who will be restricted if and when some giant fucked up drone tragedy finally occurs. Maybe if those people who tend to break the laws did some reading on the social contract, that might change things, but

I think a registration is a really great idea.

As much as you are tired of innovations being screwed over by intolerant jackasses, though, isn’t it equally possible (and perhaps even more likely) that they will be screwed over by unthinking and inconsiderate users? Because until there really laws on the books,

Y’know, you have just convinced me where everyone else has failed. The GOTY or Whatever version SHOULD be the only one, and after this mess (and Unity, and Dark Souls 2, et al.,) I really am done with preordering. Luke did make a good argument against it way back when, but something about this post just struck a

“Show, don’t tell” is an admonition against heavy use of expository dialogue, and Dishonored had plenty of that.

Off the top of my head, two spring to mind:

You just put in to words something I was helplessly groping to express. Thank you.

Looks like Fenway in the background here

This seems to be less of an argument against buying games on sale and more of an argument against buying games at all...

Strat 45 was the shit. Miss that so much.

You have that backwards. Truth is an absolute defense against slander or libel.


By your standards, it's even worse. Beta testing usually comes after a game is "feature complete," or very nearly so, early access games often have huge swaths of the game unfinished. Imagine a 12 level game that ends at level 7 because 8-12 aren't finished yet. Or a puzzler that doesn't have working switches. A