
Speaking only for myself, I think the point of angering people about stuff like this is freedom itself. No one, absolutely no one, has the right to force the entire world to live by their rules. Where does this stop? The world is big enough now, and has enough people in it, that there is probably somebody willing

I agree and disagree with this statement. A GOOD movie should not be remade for a few decades. A bad movie, I think, they could get another try on. Just as an example, there was nothing so compelling about either of the Hulk movies that should prevent Marvel from taking another crack at it.

Heirlooms don't take you to 100, though. I think most get you to 80 and the cloak to 85? They'll be fixing that with the new heirlooms being introduced, but the way you'll upgrade them from 80-90 and 90-100 is probably going to be extremely painful and expensive.

Yeah I dunno bout that... If I wanted to aim with my thumbs, I'd be playing on a console.

I'm interested to know how "reusable" the shuttle itself actually was. The enormous shakedown following every mission undoubtedly resulted in many, many replacements over the years. I've got to wonder how much in the way of original parts they had left when they were retired. I'm guessing it's a lot less than

Wow, what a homophobic piece of shit this guy is. A man from a different, less forgiving generation having a little bit of a hard time with being told, through a PR flack's TEXT MESSAGE that his son is, in fact, gay? Crude beyond belief. Someone just track him down and shoot him right now. The world needs to be

To venture a guess as to the "why," I'd say that's simple - it's cheaper. I have read (but can not find the source right now) that something like 90% of all residential door keys are either SC1 or KW1 (those are both 5 pin keys.) It's certainly cheaper for the manufacturer, and they're so mass produced that one

Honestly though. The entire point of this "leak" eludes me. I'm no fan of the cops, and doubly so not a fan of the NYPD but it's a cop driving around the city. There's no scandal here.

Oh, I agreed with you already. There's no visible flaw, to me, in the logic of your original post, although this further post has made things even clearer and I thank you for that. I do think though that there's no need to actually move most of that matter anywhere, and trying to do so creates an unnecessarily large

I have played every single Sims game and every expansion, and I am as shocked to hear this as you.

I was with you right up until you used the word "infinite."

"And its logo is this...thing. Which few people are feeling."

This understatement shines with the brilliance of a thousand suns.


Or the Patriots.

Precisely how many vanilla frosted doughnuts do you think you could make out of 11 balls of rolled up donkey feces?

It would make very little difference to the area directly under it, yes. Of course it could also end up going someplace else, like come straight back to mission control, for example, or the nearest town. Then it would make a very, very, very big difference, wouldn't you say?

If it hadn't broken up when it did,


Not all speeding is driving recklessly, and a sense of proportion is incredibly important when it comes to law enforcement. If it were jaywalking instead of speeding, or a $40,000 fine for littering, my issue with Virginia would be exactly the same despite the fact that I never walk anywhere if I can help it and am