Because they have no sense of proportion about it.
Because they have no sense of proportion about it.
You can buy just the attachment (I think it's even the one shown in the picture there) from for just 30 bucks. In fact, it didn't occur to me til just now that the Squatty Potty changed my life and I should definitely add that to this list. So now I have something to do with my afternoon!
This is what I came here to say. Like Noriega was some kind of selling point. Like his virtual inclusion was the deciding factor for anyone on earth. Literally the only people who ever bought a copy of this game because of Noriega's inclusion was his lawyers themselves.
She raped and killed my little brother the year before!
I'm with you on the whole thing, but you and I differ on the word "fascinating". Honestly I find it incredibly bland.
Yes, hopefully she will take this the right way.
You are not going to find many people on either side of this issue willing to agree with you that it's far worse to be called a rapist when you're not, than to actually be raped. That's kindof a fucked perspective you've got there.
I'd also like to know how 2 to 8 percent is "negligible"...
If 2 percent of all sexual interactions led to a girl being publicly declared a slut on Facebook (a term which I do not believe in, for the record), you can be damn sure women would be frothing at the mouth over it.
No shit. If it had been a determined kidnapper, instead of a few well meaning random people, her kid would have been long gone before she noticed.
At any mention of Mankrik's wife, I feel compelled to link this.
Same here. I don't trust cops, I don't like cops, I think enough of them are power-trippy assholes that none of them should be allowed to have the level of power and public trust that they have, and yet I'm 100% in agreement with the officer's actions from what I've read. I can't think of a single factor that would…
Honestly, I've seen 3DMark demos that both looked better and had me more interested in their story.
This really is the solution. Buying early access is buying an unfinished product that may never be finished at all. People don't think about just how many games never make it all the way through development; even top tier studios end up dropping games before completion for a variety of reasons. Of those that do…
Star Citizen looks so amazing that the shitty, cynical part of me suspects it may never actually be completed.
Bless this post, and every word in it.
I haven't ever even played LoL, and that was the first thought that came to mind.
I think it's a given that people will segregate themselves, at least some people. The thin veil of internet anonymity has never yet failed to give rise to mans worst impulses, so we can certainly expect to find the Aryan Nation (or their gaming equivalent) somewhere. The question that I find most interesting is what…
Well, hopefully making one person think was worth everything that came between then and now! It's something that's been brought to my attention before, and I usually tend to be conscious of it in other media, like when the characters in a book get whitewashed for the film - 21, The Last Airbender, etc. But it seems…
Joking about race is always a bit of a dicey proposition, as far as I have observed.