This all does seem like a lot of words and a lot of agonizing over nothing.
This all does seem like a lot of words and a lot of agonizing over nothing.
I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.
... here we go again for the 350th time in the last 11 months...
Ooh! Let’s all make a list of the other members of the Cult of Ruckus who probably hit her up with whatever the pink toe version of ‘Hey, Big Head’ is. (Hey, Nassatall? Hey, Selsun Blue?)
Taylor’s childhood besties are winning in that picture. I, too, want to go on fabulous vacations (probably at least partially paid for by Tay) just because I managed to put up with her particular strain of bs in high school.
The audacity to call Serena “Thick.” Bitch, I couldn’t tell you apart from a line up of drunk sorority girls at an Arizona State frat party. You’re not exactly one to judge looks.
“Moreover, can Taylor Swift right a song in which she is not the perpetual victim being prosecuted by someone who has wronged her?”
I came here to find out which one I’m supposed to hate this week. T Swift seems to be the candidate of choice. But can I also just hate them both? I just enjoy them being awful to each other, really.