All female Blues Brothers... Blues Sisters.
All female Blues Brothers... Blues Sisters.
I just tape my chat behind the ears.
This survey actually paints men in a pretty good light in my opinion. Men want their wives to be intelligent above all things (by a significant margin). They prefer their wives to be independent over being a homemaker (by almost 3 to 1). They want their daughters to grow up smart, independent and strong. Almost no…
"In summary, dudes are pretty chill about women being fully participating citizens. They’re like, pretty alright with it. Not all the way or anything—let’s not get crazy."
I agree Mike Tyson is a piece of shit, but you don't need to dig up something 23 years old to make that point.
You go Davon Coleman! Whoever you are..
So Tesla shares the record with a rented Chevy Suburban?
This look. "Like, really bro?"
Minorities make up close to 40% of the league... what's the issue?
Good. Fuck that guy.
I would love to see the average cost to reach the professional level at each respective sport. I would venture to guess hockey has the highest cost followed by baseball, football and basketball (in that order). Which would probably explain the demographics of each respective sport.
Whatever, kill the kid.
The Vape Cloud unit of measurement is called "a fedora"
Honestly, who gives a shit who's related to who.
Honestly, the only "television" I watch nowadays is, HBO Now and Netflix. The only thing missing is an ESPN streaming service...
I'm exactly the same way. All of my music is downloaded directly from my phone as an impulse buy. I can't even remember the last time my phone was hooked up to my computer.
Yeah, but you're making an awfully broad assumption about legacies. Most legacies I have met deserved (or arguably came very to close to deserving) their admission to their respective university.
What the fuck? When did it become appropriate to dig into the personal life of the children of Sony Execs?
Agreed, but there is an advantage to growing up and training in Kenya as opposed to (lets just say) Florida. Genes are irrelevant.