
I didn’t have a license to drive a car until I was 18, even though I had a permit at 16. I was driving a tractor on a friend’s property way before that, though.

As a former Aggie whose time at the institution predates these buses, I must say: “Gig ‘em!”

Glad you like your new bus. It looks awesome.

Wind gust would do it.

Try the street names in Hickory, NC.

What I found interesting was comparing the charts to my personal ability to get around in those cities I had visited or knew well. Boston, Charlotte, and London stood out: all cities I can navigate fairly well. Atlanta, Baltimore, and Houston: not if I can avoid it. NOLA, Orlando, and Rome: I can do it, but don’t

They aren’t factory. They’re probably dealer-installed Daytons. They don’t stay true, they leak, and don’t balance well. They don’t handle the mass of the car well at all. They are terrible, and should be discarded immediately in favour of factory alloys. Preferably a nice set of Aerosports.

I feel like the price has bottomed on these cars, especially the desirable late production cars like this. Cosmetics on these tend to be more expensive than mechanicals, so one that looks this good is probably fairly priced at $8k, even with the ABS lamp.

If it was what I wanted, I’d grab it. And toss the awful wheels

It’s also kinda racist.

Bonus points for the Cromwell quote, but VW? I mean, the LR3 is obviously insane, but I will never own another VW group product. Ever.

More than I do, for certain. And it’s not always new cars. We have a customer who buys and sells several million dollars worth of cars a year, just because he finds something that seems interesting and something else has lost his interest. But he comes in with pre-war cars, late model supercars, random piles of crap

While I don’t think this was a rollback: https://jalopnik.com/ferrari-admits-to-knowingly-allowing-dealers-to-change-1823368905

Yeah, as someone in the business of fixing these, this is pretty much par for the course.

Perhaps Ford carefully failed to make sure the “graduations” were evenly spaced, and therefore could argue they were not graduations at all, but rather decorative items.

I like to tell people Texas adopted me (among other things, I was sent a jury summons to my address in South Carolina five years after I left Texas), and I am proud to have been an Aggie (although I got neither of my degrees from A&M), but I feel your pain. My aunt and uncle are hardcore Republicans who live down near

I don’t know about “squat culture” in North Carolina, but where I am in coastal South Carolina, it’s almost all young white men who are effing terrible drivers to begin with. I really don’t think there’s a racial motivation behind this bill, I think there is a recognition that these specific modifications are

Why doesn’t he just get an account on Stormfront?

He’s only ever killed two people. He’s not dangerous at all.

Screw him.

These women are no Cersei. Have they even taken sweet revenge out on all of their foes? Do they keep caches of wildfire in the basement for anybody who wants smoke? Have these motherfuckers (but not twin brotherfuckers) even risen to the level of ruler of King’s Landing and, by extension, Westeros? I don’t think so.

It doesn’t really have that much more usable room than my old wagon, though. Around ten more cubic feet, total. The weight capacity is higher, but cubes stop me more often than weight. When I installed new floors in our house, every inch of board or tooling moved in the Saab. It took two trips, but it would have taken

No, it’s had regular maintenance. Timing belt is even fewer than 10k miles old. But I hate SUVs. There is nothing an SUV can do that some other vehicle can’t do better. Want to carry stuff? Get a truck. Want to carry people? Get a van. Etcetera.

It drives like crap because that’s how it was designed. Mom bought it