
In fairness, lots of people should stick to what they are good at. That orange toerag we just got out of the White House, for one.

But you know what? LeBron can drive in any damn lane he wants. How many Emmy awards do you have, soccer man? How many millions of dollars have you given away to charitable causes?

Every single Jaguar E-type ever made had a brazed-together subframe that held the engine in and front suspension on.

The heat from welding will wreck 4130 alloy.

So, some fun bicycle and car facts:

If a bicycle is built from brazed tubes, whether fillet or lugged, it should not be welded. This is because bicycle tubing intended for brazed construction will not survive the heat of being welded. It will make the affected areas brittle and failure prone.

But bicycle tubing is very

There are no ugly cars.

The nightmare in engine swapping this car is the brakes. Rolls used a pair of camshaft driven hydraulic pumps to generate pressure for the braking system. Also, the power assist is provided by a PTO drum on the transmission.

The 6.75 engines are pretty damned reliable mechanically, though. It would make more sense to

I just trust the roof to stay on the Chevy more than the Tesla.

As I always point out, NWA said it best.

Eddie Murphy has aged well. Man looks good for someone about to turn 60.

Are we sure those aren’t giant whitewalls?

You aren’t allowed to install a battery, and you aren’t allowed to unplug from the grid? That’s some serious fuckery, right there.

We always said T-bucket.

The lack of Saab wheels is disturbing.

I feel like BaT is some kind of money-laundering scheme, sometimes.

Now I want to gold-plate a Pao.

That’s the Golf wagon, right?

Many reasons. Limited parking, to start. I’m cheap, for another. I am not sure that I have spent $5k, total, outside fuel and regular maintenance, on my wagon during my entire time of ownership. And that includes the three parts cars. And I shouldn’t have to drive something not fun on my commute. One car really can do

I’ve been driving my Saab for 7? years now, and it’s one of the best cars I have ever had. I will miss it when I finally give it up.

I’m a 47-year-old dad, and I carry my four-year-old the way Americans are supposed to: in a “full-size” station wagon. I say “full-size,” even though it’s like 3 feet shorter than the legendary GM A-body wagons of yore, because it’s about as big a wagon as you will find (about 4 inches shorter than a V90).

I don’t want

Well, I would like to see a Barra in a Mk5 Supra.